I'm back, and bipolar

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by thedon420, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. #1 thedon420, Dec 30, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
    If any of you remember me from about 6 months ago, you may have noticed I haven't been on the boards. The 2 main reasons for this where guilt for putting the liability of having an underage member on the boards, and simply not having the time to be on. I turned 18 on December 12 for real this time, so I'd like to apologize for the couple hundred posts I've made here illegally. What happened to me since the last time I was on: I'll start with what I originally wanted to do with my life: After I graduated high school, I am planning to peruse a degree in biochemistry, this hasn't changed, but most jobs I could get with that would probably drug test the employees, no problem, I'll just stop smoking when I start my career, and everything will be fine. As every pothead knows however, life always finds a way to throw you a curveball, I wanted to go on a month long tolerance break, and about 5 days in (3 days ago) I was over a friend's house, and after we finished watching the Dark Knight, I suggested the Pink Floyd laser show, but that idea got shot down, and I felt like everyone was staring/laughing at me, and I completely tweaked out, then, after about 5 min. of screaming at all my friends, I sat down, so upset and humiliated with myself that I almost cried, convinced that everyone hated me, I just wanted to go kill myself. Anyways we managed to put all that behind us, and we still had a good time in spite of my breakdown. I got home and researched what could've caused that, and it turns out that that was a textbook example of a manic-depressive episode. I researched treatments and found that I have been unintentionally dosing myself with the medicine I needed the whole time, by the way the episode I described wasn't the only time something like that happened, always about 5 days after my last bowl. Conveniently I live in Pittsburgh, the city that leads the way in medical technology, the perfect place for me to peruse a career as a biochemist, but my location helps me as much as it hurts me, since PA has no serious MMJ, or decriminalizing bills in the works. If I need to quit smoking, I'm going to have to get formally diagnosed, ingest near toxic levels of lithium, as well as a complicated regiment of sedatives, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers, I'm not putting all that in my body, when all I need to do is hit the pipe to get the same mood stabilizing effects. I plan to join NORML as soon as possible, and become a strong activist for legalization, call for an end to this useless prohibition.
  2. Might wanna break that wall down a little bit .

    but i thought if you were underage then admit to being underage after turning 18 your account still gets deleted .

    i may be wrong but i recall reading that somewhere before .

    anyways welcome back
  3. ouch pig
  4. It looks like you've been through a bit. Welcome back.

    I just joined yesterday myself. I was also diagnosed as manic-depressive and I've tried every mood stabilizer under the sun so I feel you. Figuring out what combination of substances and chemicals it takes to bring you back to a supposed "normal" is pretty tough.
  5. If weed works for you that is amazing. Just keeping toking and keep yourself balanced and you should be fine. Fight for better drug laws using your story, its a very good one.

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