Illinois Senate Wants Gold Registration

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. » Illinois Government Wants Gold Registration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

    If they start requiring gold and gun registration I will officially be worried. Thats exactly what they would do if the economic system was about to collapse.

    P.S. Its ironic that the two things conspiracy theorists have been predicting for years is gun grabbing and gold grabbing, we know they are actively writing legislation to grab the guns, now what about the gold? :smoking: :bongin:

    Oh and if your uncomfortable with Alex Jones link, here is an NRA link. LOL!
  2. How do you think that would be enforced?
  3. #3 420neverforget, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
  4. The OP reminded me of an argument I heard Alex Jones present. People/government will deny,name call, then deny some more a conspiracy theory until it comes to fruition...then they'll argue that it is a good thing.
  5. #5 RippedMonk, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
    The fact that you and others actually listen to what Alex Jones has to say has the rest of us "officially worried." He's even less credible than Fox News and MSNBC, and that's saying a lot. The NRA isn't above any of them either. That bill doesn't appear to have anything to do with "gold grabbing" and there is and never has been "gun grabbing."
  6. I think they did this during the 1st great depression right? The president wanted to seize all the gold they could to back up the economy

  7. Hey how about you give me a list of approved sources... and then i can throw that list in the trash. :rolleyes:
  8. [quote name='"RippedMonk"']The fact that you and others actually listen to what Alex Jones has to say has the rest of us "officially worried." He's even less credible than Fox News and MSNBC, and that's saying a lot. The NRA isn't above any of them either. That bill doesn't appear to have anything to do with "gold grabbing" and there is and never has been "gun grabbing."[/quote]

    How do you reckon?

    You best bet the NRA keeps close contact with the government. They're also heavily pushing gun control and suggesting armed guards at schools.

    Not everything Alex Jones discusses is complete fallacy. Gun grabbing is nothing new my friend.

    Were you born yesterday?
  9. Go to Netflix and search for COLLAPSE and watch it.
    He talks about "peak oil" and how our economy is going to crash, this is just another piece to the puzzle.
  10. Please share with us all exactly when the last gun grab was or when any American dictator said, "I'm coming to disarm all of America." I was actually born many, many decades ago and I have yet to even hear of any valid threat that I would have to give up all my guns to big brother.
  11. History repeats itself.

    Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini etc

    Shortly after disarming it's people large scale massacres took place.
  12. Infowars.. NRA? lol Any more sources?
  13. ive said this in another thread, there has been a gun grab from the military, in new orleans, louisiana, when hurricane katrina hit
  14. Source?
  15. This is common knowledge the police and national guard went door to door and disarmed people they even beat up a grandmother.

  16. Gun registation, confiscation, or any form of gun control is a measure imposed by AUTHORITARIANS. Not liberals. Hitler, stalin, mao.

    Dont jump on the bandwagon to tyranny peeps.

    Wake up! Gun violence pales in comparison to democide. The number one cause of death in all history. Death by government.

    If you love the state so much, commit suicide, save them the time and money of sending you to a gulag.
  17. Its a slow process.

    First they are making individual features illegal.

    Eventually all guns will be
  18. Please explain how info wars is not credible?

    Is it because they aren't mainstream? Is it because they go agaisnt popular opinion?

    Can you cite any precident of info wars saying.something that they didn't back.up?
  19. #19 420neverforget, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2013
    edit: ^Aren't you the guy that said the school shooter that killed himself after was payed to do it? lol

    The guys a fucking moron. That's why it's not credible.

    [ame=]Alex Jones Tv {Sunday Edition} :Evolution vs Creation - YouTube[/ame]

    This reinforces my idea that he just went on Piers Morgan to get kicked off and make it a conspiracy

    inb4 yeah he's a nutjob but he's a nice guy
  20. Alex Jones is not a credible source

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