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illegal search?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hedge11, May 16, 2011.

  1. hello fellow apprentices,

    alright, so me and a few buddies went down to the local smokin spot at the point. The cops never come around unless someone calls them and are usually pretty chill. Well we walk over to the pavillion, my buddy ill call rick, has the bud(around an eighth) concealed in a coffee cup. we sit down at the picnic table and rick sets his cup down. well a cop drives down the far road and we dont think much of it. well with our luck he comes around the bend and pulls up right to the pavillion. The officer asked for our ids and said we look suspicious because we were at the point when it was raining out. I come up with some bullshit story saying we needed to come somewhere to have a smoke cuz i cant smoke in my dads truck(its really my truck), and under the pavillion i thought would be a good spot. the cops nods and then picks up the cup and asks whose it is. rick says its his, and the cop just opens it and looks inside. the cop then calls down like 7 more cops like they were bustin a meth lab or somethin. they brought the dogs and found nothing buddy got criminal possession of marujuana. my question is was the cop opening ricks cup without his consent an illegal search? we werent doing anything that would allow reasonable cause to search us...we were just sitting at a picnic table talking. hopefully my buddy can get out of this cause itl mess up his financial aid.
  2. :( thats sad and I wish I could answer your question but I can't.
  3. rick just got fucked by the dick of the law
  4. If it went down as you said, it's illegal, but he found the weed so.

    If he wanted to search any of you or anything on you, he has to have your permission, a warrant, or you must be under arrest already (for which there needs to be a cause). Now, if the cup or mug or what was sitting in like, the middle of the table, and all of you were acting like it wasn't there, then he's free to just pick it up and look inside, because it wasn't really on any of you.

    If one of you was holding it and he asked for it, (even if he didn't say "I now desire to search your mug!" ) if you hand it over I think that's consent to the search.
  5. no that wasnt an illegal search beacuse he submited to it, if he would of refused and the cop forced him to hand it over then yes it would of been, but he done didnt say noand now he's fucked.
  6. whos cup is this?

    dunno someones trash?

    well its full of hella dank...

    no shit!? we been dry and we sittin at a table wit dank? fuck i wish that WERE OURS... ey man, can i get that cup back??
  7. where you went wrong

    Where "rick" fucked up.
  8. hes talkin cigs bro
  9. Under statute 15 of Prop 112 the Federal courts have to grant you..

    Just kidding your friend is probably fucked.
  10. My guess is it wasnt but a 8th of pot is shit when getting busted so your buddy Rick is probably just going to get a slap on on the wrist. Probably probation at the most.
  11. If you live in Indiana your fuked.
  12. In Florida its a Oz and then your fucked
  13. What is the golden rule? SAY NOTHING.
  14. saying you came here to smoke to a cop.
    is sketchy.
    i dont care if its fucking oregano.
    its sketchy.
  15. get the fuck out of mddleschool yo lol
  16. rick should get a lawyer and and talk to him. id say it was an illegal search but that depends on the judge.
  17. ^Especially since you got the witnesses.
  18. If there's even a remote chance he may lose school funding he better pony-up for a lawyer.

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