What up blades, I don't know if you guys have heard this song or not, but it has got to be one of the realest ones I have ever heard. Hopsin is badass. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRVOOwFNp5U]Hopsin - ILL MIND OF HOPSIN 5 - YouTube[/ame]
I fucking love Hopsin, this song has gotten him so much exposure it's incredible. This song isn't just for hip hop heads, it's for the generation. That said, the only thing I don't like about Hopsin is his ego is a monstrosity.
I LOVE HOPSIN!!! <3 All of Grasscity needs to get off tylers dick and learn too sag there pants and love the ill mind
Real shit real message hopsins one of the only real rappers in modern rap. Cant wait for his new album to drop
Corny ass song to be honest. Couldn't help but laugh at how childish it was. Not one of his best songs.
[quote name='"Megacosm"']Corny ass song to be honest. Couldn't help but laugh at how childish it was. Not one of his best songs.[/quote] He probably just rapped your whole life now your hating.
Hopsin is pretty good. but hes corny as fuck. It's funny because how he started getting such a big following was he used to post his music on tech n9nes website all the time. Hes so slow with coming out with music too, its ridiculous.
It took him 3 years to drop raw. Granted part of it was his record label, but he had it done for a minute. It not only takes him forever to make it, he sits on it forever.
In almost 5 years now hes dropped two cds, and a few songs on youtube. Hes not established in the game yet, he needs to get better known before he takes years to drop cds. Raw wasn't even that great, people will just keep hyping him up until he can't live up to it. The only reason people even know who he is now is because he was on xxl mag.
[quote name='"deoxygenated"']In almost 5 years now hes dropped two cds, and a few songs on youtube. Hes not established in the game yet, he needs to get better known before he takes years to drop cds. Raw wasn't even that great, people will just keep hyping him up until he can't live up to it. The only reason people even know who he is now is because he was on xxl mag.[/quote] Or because he makes ACTUAL music that ACTUAL people can relate too.
No, this same time last year his highest viewed vid was like 250k views, then he got put on xxl and he blew up. Because hes was the only one on the cover who was even good. Edit: Then instead of making actual music, he started attacking every rapper he could think of which made all the underground dick riders finally discover who he was.
He wasn't just attacking them for no reason, he was spittin' what was on his mind, and he tells the truth. Most mainstream rappers suck. And maybe he isn't focused on becoming "big"? What if he is enjoying his life whilst making music? I don't blame him for not spending ALL of his time to drop some music. He does it in moderation. He isn't in it for just the money.
Hes not in it for the money, but he wants the recognition. Before he blew up he used to always post on his facebook about how no one respected his craft enough. And how he should have stuck with acting because no one would ever recognize how much better he was then mainstream rappers. He still does it, just not as often. If he didn't want to get big he wouldn't do all that or pay to get on the xxl magazine.