if you were to die..

Discussion in 'General' started by jfresh420, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. and be able to come back as any person,dead or alive., who would it be and why?
  2. Jesus. Get wasted off tap water, fuck yeah. Plus, I could just tell people it's a sin not to blow me when they see me.
  3. I would like to come back as myself so I can finish whatever I am supposed to be doing/haven't started :D
  4. Younger Hugh Hefner
  5. I'd come back as Obama so I could be black and so I could make sure Prop 19 would pass. :smoke:
  6. bing:smoke:
  7. [​IMG]

    So i could fuck shit up, have girls tell me my fingers are like batteries, and then run away to mars and make a giant city made of pristine glass permeating the suns rays in a galactic symphony of harmonious sounds. Except there isnt sound in space, damn.
  8. i wouldnt, i would chill in a void in between dimensions for a few billions years, then when i get lonely i'll create a butieful place like this...

  9. if i cant come back as myself,im with this guy^^
  10. Not this guy

  11. Yes I would come back as a dead person.
  12. [​IMG]

    South American Tribe Shaman
  13. johnny tsunami
  14. Ishi, the last Yahi

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