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If you have a medical card can you smoke with others who also have a medical card?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by longhairedbuds, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I already am aware and respect that you cannot smoke with non card holders but is there anything against smoking with friends that also have a medical card? Another question is lets say when I sign up, I sign up to be my own caregiver, could I smoke with a friend that has a medical card once I get mine while waiting for my buds? I see a lot of ad's on Craigslist with people selling to card holders and that you must show your card and ID which is reasonable but I am not sure if that would make them my caregiver which I don't want.
  2. You can smoke with friends if they also have a card.
    Not sure bout the other questions though, sorry
  3. #3 TomcatJones13, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    ummm you can smoke with your non card holder friends too.

    they are the one not legal. as long as you didn't pass it. you are fine. toke with your friends. just bring your own stash lol

    EDIT: What state are you talking about also. that would make a difference with the caregiver question. but here in MI - a patient can obtain meds from any source, legal or illegal. if finding bud before wasnt a problem. it shouldn't be after you get your paperwork/card.
  4. Thank you all! Exactly what I needed to know :D

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