If you had only one joint left to smoke forever...

Discussion in 'General' started by bkadoctaj, May 9, 2008.

  1. and that was it for weed, how would you go out? :)
  2. Throw it away. Much easier.
  3. I'd face it and reminisce about the good times I've had with the herb.
  4. I'd smoke it and watch a movie
  5. Something tells me I would hold onto it forever, be waiting for the right time and just never smoke it until some divine intervention reminded me I had it.
  6. it'd have to be the dankest and fattest joine ever

    and then id smoke it and think about all the time i spent with weed

    but since im never going to have to be in this situation im ok

    or what the guy above me said
  7. I'd save it. After not smoking for a while I would find some special occasion to smoke it on. And on that special occasion I would want to wake and bake it to the face for best results.
  8. I really don't know bro, maybe smoke it with two of my closest friends of a great mix cd?
  9. I'd probably save it for some major event, whether it be the utter demise of the world, or the exact opposite.

    That, or save it, and later sell it for an extraordinary amount of cash! :hello::hello::hello:
  10. I would save it for a special event as well.

    I would go to Chichén Itzá, in Mexico and visit the main pyramid of Kukulkan. During the equinoxes, the shadow pattern of the pyramid's steps seems to show a serpent climbing up the steps in March and down the steps in September.

    I would go during the spring equinox...then once the grass is gone, maybe try some psychaedelic drugs and then plenty tequila.

    Well, hopefully one day I will and it won't be my last joint either.
  11. I probably would take a few months off smoking, smoke it with no tollerence, hold my hits for ages, propperly savor the taste, and do it in a enclosed space to really apreciate the smell too.
  12. Well, I would head here:


    Cliffs of Moher in Ireland. I would pitch up a lawn chair near the edge and take it all in. Slowly smoke my joint and reminisce about my life and how I want my future to unfold.
  13. Take a t-break a couple of months long, hotbox in the smallest place I can find, hold hits as long as I can and then go see a movie or something.

    I guess
  14. vacuum seal it and wait for personal cloning machines :D :hello:
  15. College graduation

    I've always known (within the realm of myself) that in my journey as a person, a sober life is the final path....my journey to 'enlightenment' or just enlightening myself....every time I have a profound experience on a drug (usually a trip)...I feel as though the ultimate sense of fulfillment will be to feel such experiences with a sober mind..without the aid of anything but my own consciousness....so if I had one last joint, it would mark the beginning of this path for me, and I think graduation would be a good time for that

    what about you bkadoctaj?
  16. I would donate it to charity.

    I'm good like that heh
  17. I'd wait until everyone smoked theirs then sell it.
  18. I would cut the joint up to find seeds, then I would take the green and save it. Become a biological chemist to clone the green so and save the wonderful plant for future generations to enjoy.
  19. Stole my answer.
  20. I'd just get other drugs :)

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