If you got three wishes

Discussion in 'General' started by Darthcilian, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. You return home from a hard days work, you enter your room and there is a brand new giant bong sitting on your bed you grab it for inspection. Upon further inspection you somehow rub it and a Genie comes out.

    What would you wish for you get 3 wishes and can't wist for more wishes.
    I don't mind if any genies out there want to corrupt some wishes!!!
  2. millions of $$ for me so i could travel & wine nd dine wherever i want, everlasting perfect health, nd then end world hunger or somethin
  3. Weed is made legal
    Infinite supply of weed
    All the money I want

  4. you do realized you wasted the second one right?

    weed decriminalized.
    $25,000 monthy deposits into my bank account for the rest of my life(enough to live quite comfortably but not enough to be a rich douche bag)
    end poverty.
  5. $1 billion

    Weed to be legal

    I am the perfect grower where nothing will go bad
  6. If I cant wish for more wishes I would wish for more genies
  7. first: Another gene bong
    second: 100 billion dollars
    third: a third gene bong :)
  8. Easy. I'd wish for the world to be like Lord of the rings or something, with magic and wizards etc.
    Wish #1, That the laws of physics are changed, and the world is changed into a brand new magical world.
    Wish #2 I become an immortal, wise, Magically being in this new world to shepherd it to a peaceful beautiful future.
    Wish 3# Wish for myself to have my personality changed into a more kind, purer, altruistic and benevolent person.

  9. Dude you don't want to be immortal if you fall down a dry well and cant climb up you are screwed
  10. $500 billion dollars
    Legalized marijuana
    Perfect health
  11. Notice, how I said I'd also being living in a Middle Earth like world, and I'd be a Godlike entity in power. I'd use a teleportation spell.
  12. Make me a wizard
    Give all the people I like 1 billion dollars
    Reveal God's existence
  13. [​IMG]

    The ability to control time.

    Invincibility, until i choose to die.
  14. Keep em coming
  15. 1. I wish I was an Almighty god.

    BOOM. Technically I am now my own genie. I can create universes if I desire. Infinity wishes.
  16. Until you get your arm sliced off by a dwarven battle axe
  17. I would wish for:

    1: The richest people in the world forced to sacrifice their riches and trickle it down on the middle and poor class or else die. Granted I'm not looking at the other possible terrible consequences of this (I don't know what they'd be and don't care to think on it)

    2: An overhaul of the US political system in which politicians actually serve the people and not corporate interests ($$$)

    3: Finding and being with the love of my life until the day I die

    Those sound good enough for me.
  18. three wishes....

    three wishes...........

    threeeeeeee wishes............

    mankind understands is origin

    mankind unites peacefully

    mankind explores space
  19. 1) Every fat and tasty foods are healthy as shit
    2) The ability to read peoples minds
    3) And duh, xray vision
  20. Permeable invisibility

    World peace via MJ legalization :smoke:

    Health for myself/family... if counted as two make it family

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