If you got drafted...

Discussion in 'General' started by bkadoctaj, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. I'm not one to skip out on a duty. I would serve my country and I would die for my country even if it was in a war I did no believe in.
  2. I'd fail the drug test.

  3. Sometimes the world isn't always a bright and fuzzy place.

    If our country was in a war that I truly believed in (say WW2) I wouldn't wait to be drafted, I would be the first in line to sign up. Not because I want to kill people but because I truly believe that defending and protecting your country is one of the greatest honors.

    As for being drafted into a war I don't believe in? Well I'm getting drafted and even if I do not believe in the war I would be fighting or the cause I would be giving my life for, I'm still not one to skip out on what would be my "duty". If countless others of my fellow citizens are getting shipped over seas to die in an unjustified war, I'm not going to high tail it to Canada just because I think my life is more important than my fellow brothers. I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with them and respect them for the sacrifices they are going to make, instead of cowering in some far corner of the world.

    War has existed ever since Man first learned to use his fists. Every single soldier who has ever given his or her life was a person, actual and whole. In a time of war you can not think that way though. It's not the soldier you are fighting against but the uniform that he wears and the government that gives that soldier orders.

    People seem to forget that the vast majority of Nazi soldiers weren't jew hating monsters but just regular old country men who believed that it was time Germany was restored to its rightful order. They weren't the ones committing genocide and atrocities. They were like you and me, they believed what they were fighting for and they believed in the man who saved Germany from one of the worst depressions this world has ever seen...

    Good men die on both sides of a war, but on the battlefield you can't be thinking about the man's family or how you and him might actually be the best of friends under other circumstances because when the bullets start flying over your head, it's about the uniform they wear and what that stands for.
  4. Im Canadian, so if I was drafted it would have to be a pretty good reason. But I would fight for my country.
  5. Maybe I'm foolish, but I just can't see the point of killing people who are just following orders. We're all just puppets in the game of war. None of the power junkies give a flying fuck about who lives or dies so long as their bank accounts keep filling or they dominate more lives. If there was a world war and I had to fight for my life and the life of my loved ones then absolutely. Kill or be killed, right? It's all ridiculous if you ask me. The fact that we can't all live as civilized people, not just in wars but in general, is a shame. I suppose being power hungry is just in our nature. Child molesters, wife beaters, gangsters, and politicians/government officials alike all crave the same thing. It's sickening.
  6. Whats the deal with claiming to be gay? I've always heard that being a homosexual can get you out of being drafted, is this true or just a myth?
  7. #48 Deleted member 87043, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
    I was drafted for military service when I was 18 and entering my first year of University. I went to the base, when they called my name went up to the desk and showed them a paper that said I was a student, the guy stamped it, gave me another piece of paper to show to another guy at another desk, the other guy stamped it also and sent me home.

    I am now part of the military reserve with no military training, and since we have a dissuasive military policy, we´d only go to war if being attacked or invaded or something, so I´d go to defend my country, but mostly my loved ones from invaders.

  8. a round of applause and a +rep. this post was rather moving to me. this is the exact same way i feel about a draft but you worded it better than i could have. be a man and fight, not a coward who runs away cuz of fear.
  9. I'd definitely do everything in my ability to land myself the role as a sniper.
    Man that'd be sick.
    Scoping out enemies at 200 yards.
    Use a .50 caliber rifle and stop enemy road convoys.
    Lining up for the perfect headshot.
  10. Yes, there are many circumstances were killing is legally and morally justifiable.
  11. I actually tried to be a sniper in the marines, but there was something about the reaction time of my ocular nerve or some bullshit that disqualified me.
  12. I won't get drafted. Gotta love congenital heart diseases that don't affect my life in any adverse way (except for not being able to play contact sports or benchpress) :yay:
  13. I'd go. Bailing to Canada would be pretty trivial, as they enacted a bill some time ago that would ship all United States Draftees back across the border if discovered. I would rather cater to the duty of my country honorably and willingly than being forced into it.

    That's not to say that I agree with a draft in any respect, but I do understand it. I would fight it to the bitter end, stateside and overseas, but if there ever came a time when Uncle Sam came to my door and said, "Pack your bags, son, we're shipping out", then you'd better get to calling me Private Durchii and pray to god you get to see my ass in civilian clothes again.

  14. It depends. If our country was getting attacked yeah I'd go (although I'd probably sign up before being drafted).

    However if it was some bullshit war like Iraq or Vietnam I'd probably skimp out. Call me a pussy but I won't fight for something I don't believe in. And why the fuck would I fight for a government that doesn't even let me smoke a goddam plant. I'd fight to protect my family, and my countrymen, but never would I fight to protect a corrupt government.
  15. Wolverines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. im a chick
    but if i was a dude i would never fight
    i dont know how i would get out of it
    but fuck that!
    war is not needed
    its just the easiest approach to conflict for the government
    ive never seen anyone try to actually settle things
    if we have been fighting wars for hundreds and thousands of years, ITS BECAUSE IT ISNT WORKING
    "The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result."
    -Albert Einstein
  17. Would the pacifist excuse really work?
    I am a full-on pacifist.
  18. I'm Canadian so this shit doesn't apply to me as much as it does you guys. But I would whole heartedly fight for my country if I believed in the cause we were fighting for. I am Canadian and I am a proud Canadian, but that doesn't mean I would blindly die for my country.
  19. Already served, I can't be drafted :)

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