If you died today....

Discussion in 'General' started by SoothingSynesthesia, Oct 4, 2012.

  1. #1 SoothingSynesthesia, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2012
    would you be satisfied with your life you left? Any answer besides, I would be dead so I wouldn't care :p Forgive me if this has been a recent thread.

    Personally I wouldn't be satisfied but I wouldn't mind.

    What/who do you live for?
  2. It would definitely suck.. People are dying younger and younger nowadays too. But, I would definitely be unsatisfied like you because I am so young to die.. I want to get at least half a century on my back before something like this should cross my mind.

    Lightin' one up for you man.
  3. It is an iffy subject and this type of question should never really be asked... Man should never be the agent of death and its the cold truth.. No matter how bad your life sucks just remember that there is always someone that has it much worse then you.. Yet they fight on and keep pushing to make things better..

    In all honesty, if you are asking questions like this to yourself, you should really be asking yourself, 'what can I do, to make things better?'..

    Maybe start by take a 5 minute jog every morning to clear your mind, followed by a relaxing cup of green tea followed by some meditation..

    These types of things may not be for you but they will surely help you find your personal meaning in life and may even help you find some goals that you wish to accomplish..

    Just remember bro.. We only live once, so do things right for the people who never got a chance..

    Cheers bro and 1 love :bongin:
  4. Yeah I see what you mean. It's just death is such a fascinating subject to me, I don't know why. The reason I ask questions such as these is that I often ask myself a lot of questions(I'm sure everybody does) and I like to hear /read other people's thoughts on these things.
  5. Assuming you are 18-30 you will find out soon enough that life is short and cruel, so very cruel.. Finding out what death is, is something you should put on the bottom of your list..

    Also It might just be me but I find if you dwell your mind on something like death for too long, you will start become depressed and the thought of death will consume your being.. All you will see is death around you .. when in reality it is a truth because anything that lives is born to die.. From the moment we are living organisms, we are meant to cease existence.. A grim but necessary cycle..

    Our only meaning on this planet is to truly make experiences better for our future generations.. We have to set the stepping stone path for our children.. We have to be the leaders of our time :p

    Anyways man I truly hope you find the answers you are looking for and hope all is well for you, cheers blade :bongin:
  6. I need to smoke an ounce before I can answer this right.
  7. no, not at all. theres SO much more that i wish to live through..so many more things i wish to experience so i can tell my grandkids in the future.. i mean, theres many people i wish i hadnt hurt, but i regret nothing because it all has worked towards making me who i am today..:smoke::smoke:

  8. Cheers to you as well! Don't worry though I don't dwell on death I just think too much :p I'm doing well no need worry! I don't want to find out what death is yet I just tend to be passive on a lot of things.
  9. OH SHIT I worded this totally wrong I fixed it though. LOL I was wondering why you thought I was depressed or something xD
  10. Im half excited to see what's next.

    I'm just praying its not based on the decisions i've made in my life.
  11. Death kinda interests me. If I died today I would be happy. I mean, I dont want to die, but Im curious. Once you die, all pain goes away.
  12. #12 Sour Kush, Oct 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2012
    I don't think my death would effect very many lives nor would it be anything significant. My girlfriend would be upset for a little while but as sure as time to a keep on ticking she would move on. My grandparents would be sad but maybe a little relieved as well.
  13. 'Man is the measure of all things, and that things are to me as they appear to me, and that they are to you as they appear to you.' - Plato

    'The unexamined life is not worth living.' - Plato

    ... a philosophical question, deserves a philosopher's answer.
  14. not at all. in fact if i could feel i would be pretty pissed.
  15. I'd be pissed cause tomorrow is pay day damn it! :devious:

    Nah,but for real,I need a few more years atleast and I need to accomplish a few things in those years,before I'd feel complete.
  16. nah, basically my whole life has been fucked up shit. i've only got to enjoy about two solid years of it. if i died today then hopefully the afterlife is a better, more forgiving place
  17. I'm too young to die!
  18. I wouldn't feel satisfied with my life, i'm young and haven't lived long enough to feel complete. Honestly though, i don't mind the idea of death. I'm on a bit of a destructive path lately to put it simply, not really giving a fuck what happens to me and not sticking to the rules. I blame my ex for fucking my head up lol.

  19. The real saddest part is that recently I have been learning that a lot of people really don't ask themselves these questions.

    I mean sure, all of us do, because that is just how Marijuana functions, but there are people who never honestly think about things at all. I mean on serious levels, there are so many people out there who just never take the time to think for themselves.

    It is terribly sad.
  20. I am not sure I will every be ready to welcome death with open arms.

    Am I happy with what I have done with my life to date and the decisions I have made, hell yes.

    Am I ready to leave my family, friends, coworkers behind, no, never.

    I love each day of life that is given to me and enjoy another chance to make the world a better place.

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