If You Could Rid the World of One Thing...

Discussion in 'General' started by SoulessStoner, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Fellow blades, if you could rid the world of one thing what would you choose? I would rid the world of cancer, because I have seen that shit ruin families first hand. I also choose cancer because it is one of the things nobody chooses to get. I mean yeah, nobody chooses to get AIDS, but the chances of getting AIDS is greatly reduced when you don't whore around or use needle drugs.
  2. #3 JakeGetsBaked, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm sorry but, LOL
  3. Golly, it's a split between Organized Religion and Politician's

    Probably Religion though.
  4. eh... structure ftw
  5. Was gonna say religion but it's been done.
  6. oil. Force these fuckers to finally come up with alternative fuels, speed that shit up! If they don't have oil, they won't have a choice. Also, i really wanna see all those camel jockeys go broke. I'm sorry, but a country that orders a woman 500 lashes cause she was raped isn't a civilized country. And yes i'm talking about saudi arabia.
  7. Lies/Ignorance.

    The truth sets everything else free.
  8. Ignorance.
  9. I would rid the World it's sun so we could all go to hell.
  10. greed

    The apathy so many have towards those who are struggling everyday just to stay alive and keep their family alive

    One of those two.. But I bet if you took out greed then apathy would follow, for the most part anyway
  11. Drug addiction. I hate feeling a need/compulsion to buy and consume mind altering substances. My addiction isn't quite as bad as many other peoples (I don't shoot a bun of heroin every day) but I would still love to just be able to use drugs in moderation, and not cause myself financial/self esteem issues.
  12. westboro baptist church

    I don't find them entertaining any more, just god damn annoying.
  13. you stole my line :smoke:

    If i could get rid of one thing i would get rid of people's mistrust of eachother and their tendencies to fuck people over for self gain.
  14. Probably 4chan.
  15. Addiction is awful. I know marijuana isn't physically addictive, but I do have a psychological dependence on it. I can't really relate, because I think you're implying you have a problem with harder drugs and I don't know how that feels exactly, but I think I know where you're coming from. Try and get some help man, don't be ashamed.
  16. Synthetic chemicals. Many human diseases came with that, including cancer and allergies. I don't particularly give a shit about humans, but it brought a heavy input of chems into nature.

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