If You Could Hotbox Any Vehicle

Discussion in 'General' started by Snoop Khalifa, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Attached Files:

  2. #3 BakedPenguins, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012

    Smoking weed in space would be pretty legit
  3. Those are sick vehicles. And that would be an insane experience traveling in space while hotboxing.
  4. There was a rumor in my high school that a group of guys hotboxed a tank during a field trip to the war museum. It was never confirmed or denied, but they quickly became legends.

    I'll play to the young lad within and go with Postman Pat's van. :cool:

  5. [​IMG]

    Notice how the sunroof is UP. So I would hotbox the world.
  6. #9 bobmentoes, Dec 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2012

    Definitely not the last person to want to hotbox the shit out of one of those at a concert or something, and go old school.
  7. just about any police car lol

  8. Fuck space I just remembered this one time I was stopping at the atm with a couple friends and we saw the wiener mobile and it said you could fucking rent it for a day. It's actually really nice on the inside too

  9. Acura RSX

    Preferably black or blue....

    I'm not too picky and fairly easy to please lol,so I don't need anything crazy fancy.
  10. A private jet, like akon in the "kush" music video
  11. Smoking weed in a satellite haha...hovering around super blazed would be hella fun! Always been a dream of mine
  12. Boxin' with the Munsters, aww yea.
  13. You already know.


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