if you could go back in time

Discussion in 'General' started by fuglife19, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. ok so if you could go back in time one in your life, where would you go and why??? if i could go back in time i would go to woodstock just because i know it had to major event in stoner history, and just because imma jimi hendrix fan and i would love to see him perform
  2. The creation of the universe, just so i can figure that shit out, im assuing we can come back right? cause i dont wanna get stuck there hahahahahaha
  3. lol yeah you get to come back
  4. Ancient Egypt, be a king.
  5. any of my past relationships and not fuck them up like I did, lost some good girls by being dumb...but just gotta keep moving forward
  6. Beginning of the universe sounds pretty sweet to me, see which religion is the 'right' one or if it even exists in general.

  7. Or if science is right, and its just a massive fucking explosion. I also have to assume we are in an invincible bubble, or, im pretty sure the big bang would annihilate us pretty badly... then again, maybe us being destroyed into it is what spawned life and we have to.... shit, im too high
  8. I would go back in time and relive my first love experience.

    Oh, how foolish I was. Hehe.
  9. I'd go back to Ancient Greece. I wouldn't be able to talk to any of them and they'd probably kill me but damn would it be awesome.

  10. you go back and it turns out you are Dionysus, god of wine and partying, but they got too high and forgot to add the god of weed part
  11. I would have to go back and re-do my whole high school life. I'd go to 8th grade summer and start my life again from there. With the knowledge i have now, i'd do a bunch of things differntly, and not just in school.
  12. #12 Ralta, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    It would be to 1066, want to see how the invasion of the British Isles went; not just from a tapestry.

    Or possibly 1940, London in the blitz and 1941, Paris under occupation would also be interesting
  13. Seeing Jesus walking on water, just to see if it was legit or if these guys were just really baked

  14. man i fucked up too, but in highschool i graduated but barely...i would do highschool all over again

  15. haha go back with a gun and you'll really be making over history
  16. ..back to that one time on acid, in SF. What a fine adventure it was.
  17. I go back to 7th grade. What a fun year that was.
  18. you've done acid b4, what is it like
  19. #19 TripRollnToke, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011

    acid is like


    it's climbing a mountain to the edge of the universe and then jumping down and landing back where you were in reality, but reality is unreality and what is isn't and what isn't should be. And it's like you did it all before, but it wasn't the same because this time is the only time and last time never happened.
  20. me and my friend was thinkin about doin it in the future, but imma a lil scared cuz i heard you could have bad trips and shit

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