If you could be anything

Discussion in 'General' started by Burrito Bandito, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. What would you be and why?

    What steps are you taking to make it happen?

  2. I would be a lion. Fuckers sleep all day and shit. Plus, they're fucking lions.
  3. A cat. A savanah cat.
  4. A super saiyan,

    Im going to the gym every other day to achieve it :p

    and fuck you thats why

  5. A wizard of dark art.
  6. definately a super saiyan.
  7. #7 Burrito Bandito, Feb 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2013
  8. Would love to cast magic lol and everyone else wouuld to don't fool yourselves.
  9. If you didn't say dumbledore, you're either lying to yourself, or a muggle.
  10. if you don't pick the dumbledore option you're a mamas boy pussy
  11. Id wanna be Hancock and look just like Will Smith. Man that is one good movie, he just didnt give a single fuck lol.
  12. I would have no ego.
    I would just float from space to space, or rather through infinite space, with my particles lingering everywhere.
    I would never be in any place at once, but I would be.
    I would be in everything, everywhere, yet not there at all.
    Just meshed into the vast complexity of it all.
    I would be free.

    I'd like to imagine it's like sleep without dreams. Forever.
  13. #14 Chrismittty, Feb 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2013
    Super Saiyan Cat Wizard

    No really though, I would likely be a ancient Aztec, Israelite, or Sumerian King, you know, just too see what the fuck was up and going on back then.
  14. Who would choose a fuckin cat ovah a super saiyin?

    Cats can neither fly nor throw giant fire balls.

    C'mon people, lets be fer real.
  15. A fat stinky nug.
  16. they can throw fur balls though,

    And some people are allergic to them

  17. A Super Saiyan

    I'v screamed for 3 days i should become one soon
  18. I'd be ollivander. I make wooden pipes IRL, so we kinda have a connection.

    I picked dumblydore though.

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