If the world population was reduced to 100...

Discussion in 'General' started by xericx, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. I've seen something similar before.

    Brings our world into perspective, makes you really value what you have.

    rep + (if i can)
  2. +rep edit:need to spread before.....get ya later.

    wow.....just wow.

    im so lucky.
  3. shiiit, that was one hell of an eye opener, amazing video
  4. seen it before, but does not hurt (well, it does) to see it again. thanks man
  5. Im RICH!!!

    A great comentary on the state of the world.

    things arent allways as bad as they seem.
  6. You dont know how lucky you are untill you see this

  7. Man I've always wanted to like, do something great for the world, like join the peace core or be like a conservationist or hippy or something.

    It kinda makes me want to like, join them in their situation and want to help them out and stuff..

    Like go to india and feed some people or some shit.
  8. Deep
  9. Mine doesnt play it just goes to the opening screen and sits
  10. Bottom left is a play button
  11. I saw this in my history class. ASIANS are 61% of the world:hello:
  12. that was super cool. Worth a thousands words...

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