If only/mostly ugly people hit on you, does that mean you are ugly yourself?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ResinHits, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. #1 ResinHits, Sep 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2012
    My fellow blades,

    Before you immediately drop down to reply and say im an ugly fuck, I've had a couple girlfriends before that are really cute (a lot of people flirted with them while I dated them), however in between the occasional cute or ok looking girl there's always uglies who are straight up laying it out there for me. So does this make me ugly myself? Oh and dont call me a chauvinist or an asshole because im talking about ugly people. im not mean to anyone who talks to me

    does anyone else have the problem of wanting to talk to certain people,yet all the wrong ones find you and harass you unmercifully ?
  2. uh... so if an ugly person goes up to Jenna Jameson does that mean she's ugly?.... dumb logic
  3. jenna jameson is ugly as fuck in my opinion. but to play along with that, i dont get the same amount of ugly people coming up to me like she would. its not like every day someone says something.. its usually every few months ect. And how could you call that dumb logic? How can anyone look in the mirror and TRULY say they're ugly or not? You cant judge your own self
  4. ugly people seem to make the first move on me. but i can get some fine ass ladies if i try

    also some fine ass ladies have made moves on me

  5. its just confusing as hell
  6. First you need to define ugly.
    I'm not ugly, but I'm not model either I guess.. It's just about what people you know..
    If you surround yourself with pretty girls, it's more likely you'll get a pretty girlfriend, if you surround yourself with ugly people, it's more likely you'll take one of them.
  7. It's because you're still playing the field, and probably practicing your moves on ugly people because you feel more confident with them.

    It's ok to learn more about yourself, just don't lead them on too much.
  8. i find myself extremely attractive! im a fuckin stud like none other! Fuckin fabio of the present day!

    See how i did that their, called confidence my man. run down to the corner store and scoop some up! QUICK!

  9. Im not ugly or model either.

    I dont practice on them. I talk like a normal person to them, so that i dont lead them on

    Got that too. It was a curious question
  10. Then your golden sir!
    Do you not approach someone that intrigues or interests you?
    Thats all their doin bro! Take it as a compliment. If you were ugly im sure you wouldnt get hit on period!

  11. Of course I do. But I think i come off like im just friendly, lol
  12. Ever see a an ugly dude with a really hot girl? It's because he wasnt too scared or intimidated by her.

    Confidence can go a looong way imo
  13. the ugly girls know guys arent going to approach them, so they approach the guys themselves, the cute girls know theyll get approached by guys so thay dont have to do it, its very simple really
  14. If they aren't that ugly or fat and look average or even a little chubby, bang the shit out of them because they've probably never had it or it's been so long that they'll be insane in bed.

    They get pretty horny mang, thought this one barely chubby (the good kind) chick was going to either rip or bite my cock off, didn't want to fuck her though because she as a virgin and would probably get too attached.

    She even got so hot and wet just by sharing a blanket, spooning and me rubbing her inner thighs. I could feel the heat from it, it was crazy.
  15. #16 Seen33, Sep 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2012
    I've studied this subject quite a deal in my mind. Hot women are not hitting on you because of a branch of the hot girl syndrome. Not because you're ugly.

    Let me explain:

    I consider myself to be a good looking guy. I get rejected about 50% of the time I would say. I only hit on girls I think are really hot tho and I dont do it that often as I get nervous of the rejection.

    I get hit on by an ugly girls about once every 3-4 months. It rarely happens. I get hit on by gay dudes about once every 2 weeks. Even tho I'm not gay, the compliments make me feel great. Since I find no attraction to men, I simply think of them all as good looking people who just cant have me. It surly boosts my ego. But that boost I'm feeling is the same feeling a hot girl gets. And she gets this 2-3 times a day. The confidence one gains from these boosts is incredible. No wonder the world is the way it is for men and women. Good looking Women don't hit on guys because they don't need to. They get boosts all day long, and the odds of an attractive guy hitting on them goes way up.

    You're like me, getting hit on by an ugly chick every couple months. If we were hit on 3 times a day by chicks, I'm sure after just 10-20 girls, we would find one reasonably attractive. Since good looking girls get hit on by dudes all the time, they know they're hot shit. If I've just been hit on by a girl (ugly or not). I feel like hot shit. At least for the moment before I get a chance to play this game in my mind and ask if I'm really good looking or not because an ugly girl just hit on me.

    So no OP, you are not ugly. You just need to realize that the way society has become, means that you need to try infinitely harder to achieve scoring with a good looking girl, than she does with you, despite the fact that you are good looking. If you cant deal with that however, relax. As women get older and their biological clock creeps up on them, the entire dynamics change. Everytime I meet an older chick whos single, shes heavily flirting with me. It kind of gives the power back to the man.

    Here is the age brackets for who has control in attracting a mate (assuming both parties are of roughly equal age)

    Age 13-17: Control is balanced between the sexes
    Age 18-28: Control is in the Womans favor
    Age 29-45: Control is in the Mans favor
    Age 45+: Control is once again returned to a balanced state between the sexes where it then remains.

    And while its hard to take appreciation in it, when a woman who is just friends, taken or ugly compliments you and is genuine about it, you need to realize that theres a hot girl just around the corner thinking the exact same thing, but because shes so hot and has no need to try, she wont say a damn thing to you.
  16. a lot of attractive women have slept with me. and trust me, i'm GOOFY AS FUCK looking.

    so i don't take it as i'm attractive, because i'm not. i'm just lucky lmao
  17. I only get hit on by girls so it must mean I'm a lesbian. :rolleyes: :p
  18. Well...

    You need to stop caring about what people think. You're only ugly if YOU THINK YOU'RE UGLY.

    Everything is in your mind... If ugly girls are coming up to you, it's because they think you're attractive. Good looking girls tend to wait for guys to approach them...

    Just cause ugly girls are hitting on you doesn't mean you're ugly.. Just means that they like you and want a chance with you and they're willing to risk the rejection cause you're that hot;)
  19. lol thanks everyone for your posts lmao. but really, im not pitying myself or saying im ugly, it just popped into my head

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