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If I could bake you two things for 4/20 what would you ask for?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Clstcnnbscltvtr, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. #1 Clstcnnbscltvtr, Apr 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2012
    Cookies / Brownies are off the plate.

    What other foods would you love to consume in celebration?

    ** EDIT

    One item picked. What else ... hmm...

    Bruschetta - Roma tomatoes, cheese blend and onions in a thc olive oil glaze, with a balsamic hash drizzle!
  2. Cupcakes and burgers.
  3. Cookies and Brownies
  4. pizza and pizza
  5. Oh, shit, I would love if it were possible to consume THC through soda. Yeah. Soda, and M&M's. But not just a little high, I'm talking so much THC that you become a vegetable.

    "So, ma'am, what happened?"
    "Well, he was fine, then he hate these M&M's... then died."
    "Ma'am, this man is not dead. In about two hours he will be up to eat everything in your kitchen."
  6. [​IMG]


  7. I could use flavored glycerin tinctures to make soda! It would have to be really powerful concentrations I think but this is totally within the realm of possibility.
  8. Would fucking die for cupcakes and brownies on 420!

  9. Quoting Kat Williams, I see....

  10. For good reason!
  11. I've had rice krispies with weed in them. Best munchy food ever.

    Maybe some sort of barbeque sauce or marinade with THC in it to put on some pulled pork or something. mmmmmmm......
  12. sushi and pizza
  13. My friend just went to college out in Cali... Moving there from Chicago tho is worlds diff sense now she's eating fucking popcorn, rice krispies, lollipops, u name it!! all good too.

  14. Sooo. Pizza has it?

    What about pulled pork bbq pizza? could use it in the cheese and then drizzle with pure olive oil + hash for more potency
  15. Peanut butter rice krispie treats. :smoke:
  16. Could you get weed into mashed potatoes?

  17. Quite easily. Milk and butter!
  18. Correct.
    You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

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