if i become a pharmacist...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by rollablunt4me, May 28, 2009.

  1. dont take this as i only want to become a pharmacist to get pills, i really am interested in getting a degree for it.

    but any ways if i become a pharmacist of an assistant would it be possible for me to snag some of the prescriptions?
  2. I highly doubt it, but you never know..
  3. Don't be silly.
  4. yea i was thinking about it it would prolly be trickky unless i like was the only one in there and like closed it down...

    just think of how AMAZING it would be if you owned your own pharmacy...
  5. I heard that every pill that falls on the floor has to be 'discarded'
  6. Depends on the pharmacy, of course.

    However, there's a very good chance you'd get caught. And if you did, you'd not only have wasted the last 6+ years of your life, you'd also be facing serious criminal charges.
  7. wow, that kinda maakes me think abbout it...
  8. Probably, but if you get caught consider yourself fucked.
  9. unless you own your own pharmacy then no
  10. if u want pharms become a doc

    they can perscribe whatever they want to whoever they want for whatever reason
  11. I don't think you would be able to. When a pharmacy gets in a shipment of drugs, they are tracked and looked over the entire time until they get to patients.

    What I am saying, is basically let's say you get a shipment of 1000 OxyContin prescription pills. Every single one of those one thousand pills are accounted for. The only way I could see you getting away with it is if you were filling prescriptions and gave the patient a few less pills in their bottles.
  12. :hello::rolleyes:

  13. Read my thread about my uncle thats a doctor bro.
  14. I think that would be ethically wrong and morally repugnant. But that's just me.
  15. Becoming a pharmacist is a lot of hard work just to get drugs. You need 6 - 8 years of schooling, while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. A good pharmacy school wont even look at you if you have less than a 3.5.

    Coming from someone getting a pharmacy degree. You waste many nights studying when you could be having fun.

    AND to answer your question. It can be done, a friend of mine stole 8000 dollars worth of pills from CVS.
  16. A dude I know was getting all pills from some girl who worked in a pharmacy. She was hooking him up with all pills for free. She hooked him up a couple different times with full bottles of various pharms, so she did it somehow.
  17. I imagine it would be very hard, depending on the pharmacy.

    I imagine they keep an eye on the narcotic pills, and they have cameras watching the employees in most pharmacies in my area. So not only would you have to watch out for cameras, but fellow employees, and then if you even manage to steal some your gunna be paranoid as shit wondering if they will find out.
  18. I know how you could do it. Accidently drop a bottle of OC80's spilled on the floor, THROW THEM OUT, then pay the janitor to give you the garbage, work something out :)
  19. "The tech responsible for the biggest known theft in Nevada is 37-year-old Cambra Nye, who worked for a CVS pharmacy in North Las Vegas. She confessed in March 2007 to stealing, over about a year, up to 300 bottles of hydrocodone; up to a hundred bottles of Alprazolam, also known as Xanax; up to 10 bottles of Viagra, and more. In total Nye stole 59,770 pills worth an estimated pharmacy value of $42,000, records show, and a far greater value on the street."

    Its actually not as hard as people here are saying it is. Its actually easy once you know how to get around things. I wont go into detail, but people do steal from pharms every single day and get away with it.
  20. Exactly. An "Accident" is probably the safest, and best bet.

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