if everybody smoked weed.

Discussion in 'General' started by white_widow4eve, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. The world would be so peaceful, honestly if every one did weed violence would stop as of bad selling and bad deals. Wars would stop cuz ppl would be creative and talk about everything instead of kill every one cuz they do something you dont like. As for work the only rule that would apply is not to smoke on the job.

    Other harmful and dangerous drugs wouldnt need to be used,weed would be enough.
    There is no reason to start another drug if you smoke weed simple as that.

    For school same thing as work as long as your not high in class or whatever.

    Age wise would probly be 18 if legalized but in my opinion 14 15 sounds just about right to start. Thats when i started.

    There wouldnt be no need to drink either, you feel just as good but you know whats going on instead of being a drunk zombie and doing watever not knowing what your doing.being drunk makes you violent weed makes you calm and reasonable.Sit two drunk ppl in a room see what you get,sit two high ppl in a room and you get fun convos laughs and a great time.

    I'am only saying all these things as if every one smoked weed, not it being legalized.
    If it were legalized or not I would still recommend still not going overboard with smokeing it like with beer or something two beers your technicly drunk.So with weed and limits to useage would probly stay around no higher then 10grams a day april 20th would be an exception though.

    Weed is a plant God and mother earth created it if it was so harmful to us it would not have a purpose to be here.Thought other things are harmful they can be taken and used for something great.As snake venom it can kill and is very dangerous but take it and mix it with other properties and you have a medicine that saves lives.

    Though I may have left out somethings in this post I belive i get to the bottom line that weed would change the world for the better good.

    For all you haters out there just relize theres nothing you can do,Its my life and i wanna live it the way i do im proud to be a stoner.So what if you dont like ppl smokeing weed,it doesnt hurt you if we smoke it, so why judge us alot of creative ideas movies games and other everyday common things have been devloped by a stoner.

    If this post belongs somewhere else I'am sry. These are my thoughts on weed and how it could effect us. all though somethings are not 100% proof that they would stop it still gives it a less chance to happen. For all those who agree with me on this stand up and share your thoughts here.all ideas or effects that could change if every one smoked weed place them here.

    As a stoner I proudly stand here and say smoke on as long as you can,anybody can changed the world but it takes some one creative as a stoner to benifit the world.
  2. There would be no war and Taco Bell would be wayyyyyy busier!
  3. I love your optimism.... I really do. But I have to be real, and tell you I don't agree with everything you just said.

    I've known many violent (some brutally violent) people that smoked weed regularly. I could tell you stories all night about fucked up people that I've met, and dealt with that smoked weed.

    I can even use myself as an example... I smoke a lot, but it doesn't really help out much with my temper. I only wish that were true.

    It would be a better world in my opinion, but not a perfect world. Sick & fucked up people are still going to cause harm, regardless if they smoke weed or not.

    On a rather humorous thought though... imagine how much fast food & companies that sell sweets stock would go up :laughing:
  4. peace not greed

    but yea i can be really violent even when i'm high
  5. I do get what your saying but it would drop a certian percent of crimes.I have really bad anger and really had problems wound up in a mental hospital.Weed has helped me with that so if it helped me it can help alot of others not all but a good amount.
  6. Yup, I see what you're saying as well bro.

    For all I know, my temper might be 10X worse if I had never smoked weed. It would definitely help people chill out more, and I think it would also help open peoples minds up. I was a really close minded person before I started smoking... then again, I was a 13 year old kid.

    Until that day happens though.. we'll just have to keep doing our part :smoking:
  7. The media doesnt help out at all. They give us stoners such bad names but what about drunks and crackheads I have never seen a tv ad stateing what has crack or alchool done for you. you see more seat belt tv ads then you would of alchool.
  8. It would not end violence; unfortunately while stoners used to be a peaceful lot one need only read many posts here to see that kids today are a lot more violently inclined than the stoners of days past.

    14 or 15 is irresponsibly too young. The minimum should be at least 18. Young brains are still developing and we don't know enough about how cannabis affects that yet. I don't care how old you were when you started; I was even younger than that and that doesn't make it right.
  9. Yes oldskoolgrower I can understand where u stand with kids and violence but the rate at wtich acurr now then from every one smokeing weed would decrese greatly as i stated in one of my earlier post.

    As for age I only said it was my opinion cuz all my frnds started off around that age and we are all fine now. As I said to thats if it werent legalized if it were the age would def be 18 if not 21.
  10. Sorry but your argument has nothing to back it up. Kids today are INCREASINGLY violent, day by day. Smoking weed is not some cure for it. It won't bring about world peace. It'll help sell Doritos and Taco Bell.

    Now mind you I'm obviously not saying people shouldn't smoke it if they want to. I'm just saying your premise is so flawed that it is barely even worth debating the subject.

    EDIT: And frankly, the people who act like cannabis is some magical cure for the world's ills are as bad as those who think it causes brain damage, and you're not helping the movement to get it legalized by spinning fairy tales.
  11. I'm sorry bro, but I have to disagree with you as well. The key to solving the world's problems is education. If only it were so simple as lighting up a doobie.

    It certainly wouldn't hurt, but I don't imagine that it would do very much to solve any of our problems. Some, it would solve. Our overcrowded jails for one, and it'd help our economy for sure. The problem with the world is, not having the intelligence and wisdom to deal with our problems with foresight. If every single person smoked weed, then there would be new problems to deal with, such as producing the right amount, policing it and what not.

    There's some quote by John Lennon about when we'll have peace, but I can't remember it and I don't feel like looking it up. It's John Lennon though, I mean you can guess about what it would be.
  12. Weed is not the glue needed to put all the pieces together...

    it never has been. It's just recreational imo.

    Sure some need it for physical ailments but thats about it.
  13. i love getting drunk though..
  14. :smoke::hello::smoke::hello::smoke::hello::smoke::hello::smoke::hello:

    ^grasscity party.
  15. Weed can help you relax and see things from a different perspective, but as to it inducing world peace? I highly doubt it. Violence and crime in the media is only adding to the increasingly amount of violent crime committed by minors every single day.

    I do see your point though... there have been a few people in my life where I have thought to myself "hey, maybe if that person just chilled for a while and smoked a fatty they would be a lot nicer." But weed will not fix the worlds ailments.

    Honestly I think reggae would be more beneficial than weed when it comes to people seeing things from a more peaceful perspective.

    I do like your passion though. I see where you're coming from... but I disagree.

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