Idk what to believe

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Slilent, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. I believe In God's I don't know there names but they're around all times idk how many I'm just lost and confused
  2. Just take a deep breath...

    Many old wise men probably died not knowing either. Don't worry, no one really knows what's up.
    It's not even guaranteed we will know after death.
    Enjoy your life and be happy without making someone else unhappy until you have your answer, if you find it.

    Probably a bad example, I thought it had a good point.
  3. One of life's great joys is trying to figure it out, enjoy the journey.
  4. #4 caseyJ, Mar 14, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016

    I think I know exactly how you feel. The world is a very confusing place. But, if you honestly put forth an unbiased effort, you can know "who" this god is.

    Read this New Testament passage from the Christian Bible. Acts 17:16-34. It addresses the nature of your post exactly.

    Bible Gateway passage: Acts 17:16-34 - English Standard Version

    I don't know how biblically literate you are, so I will assume that you know nothing. I will give you a little background in this particular Scripture text. "Paul" was formerly a brilliant but strict Jewish religious leader named "Saul". He was a first Century contemporary who hated Christians and wanted them dead. He wanted to extinguish Christianity off the face of the earth because it was contrary to what he believed.

    One day, as he was persecuting Christians, Saul met the risen Christ, and, contrary to everything he believed to be true, became a Christian. As a Christian, he was the world's first missionary, bringing the Gospel message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ to the world. Paul is known to have authored 13 (I think) New Testament letters.

    Saul, who now changed his name to Paul, visited cities of the known world, preaching the Gospel. Major cities of the ancient world had Jewish populations, and Paul preached to them since they wrote the Old Testament, predicting a Savior who would save them from their sins. The Jews were the people group from whom the Savior would arise. But Paul also preached to the non-Jews, or "gentiles". These people knew nothing of Jewish religious beliefs. They had many different ideas about "god" and what god was like.

    Athens was a philosopher's wet dream. When Paul visited Athens (the place Paul preached in Acts 17:16-34) many of the philosophers had the idea that there was a "god", but they just didn't know anything about this god. Paul explains to the philosophers at Athens that the god who they know exists is the same God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

    So I guess what I am trying to do is appeal to your innate sense that "there must be a god", and connecting that innate sense of deity to the God who is described in the Christian Bible, and linked exclusively to the Person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul is basically saying to the philosophers in Athens, "THAT is the true God".

    If you want more information on this famous "Mars Hill" sermon by the Apostle Paul, here is a commentary...

    Paul’s Classical Apologetics on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22 – 34||Natural Theology Centered on the Sovereignty of God||

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