Ideas/Brainstorming for a movie

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by WaztheWazzock, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Hi there,
    This is my first thread after sometime stalking these boards i thought today is the day to sign up! :D

    Now back to the cause of the thread,
    I am (well was) a media student, studied Media Studies in college for 3 years then did it at uni, and at the moment im at the beggining stages of writing a script and coming up with ideas for a movie i am going to make, and need fellow smokers ideas!

    Film name: Kingdom of the Golden Mushroom
    Premise: Imagine Tenacious D's pick of destiny, but instead of a guitar pick, its a legendry golden mushroom lost to the ages.
    Style of movie: It will be filmed not showing any of the main characters faces, and done in first person alot. Giving only clothes, voices and actions the only way of indentifying the characters. Not only conceals the persons identity, but iv always loved Half lifes none speaking character. Lots of homages to films, games etc. (E.g. A Final Fantasy type boss encounter, A rocky training montage, Metal Gear solid sneaking around/story twists, that kinda thing)
    Location of filming: Epping Forest in Essex, England and surrounding areas (such as East and North london)
    Story: Two young stoners, always looking for the next high, and at a forest party, they meet a weird old man, who tells them of the "Golden Mushroom" located in the Great Forest amidst its kingdom. The two set out on a trippy/stoner journey to find it.

    Im just looking for ideas/scenarios, any help will be added to the credits once its done :D
  2. hmm i really hate tenacious D...
    but let me see...
    they should ecounter poseidon since in the end..
    they'll be hallucinating..
    make referance to like greek mythologu..
    it'll be like The odyssey and then got like The Great Gatsby....
    for some reason add Some lolita and a clockwork orange...
    that'll be so tight.
  3. Maybe the mechanical golden owl from Clash of the titans that guides them :D
  4. why was that so magically beast dawg.
  5. A soundtrack might help aswell,
    so i might be able to write scenes from the song lyrics etc,
    so any smokey up songs that i can take influence from aswell would be awesome!
  6. they should have the ups and downs of drugs...
    not only one side 'cause that wouldn't be fair/
  7. yeah there will be,
    iv written a part where they both will be experiencing the extreme ends of a bad trip
  8. Tenacious D is the shit. I love their satirizing of the attitude of Rock stars

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