Ideal month to start?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sloppyjoe, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. I was wondering when the ideal month would be for an outside grow, on the east coast? I was just curious as I have already planted mine and have a small garden. Thanks JOE>
  2. The east coast of what country??

    I grow on the east coast of Spain, I start mid April.
  3. ill assume you mean the us and it dosnt really matter what coast your on, just the latatude your at, but id start in mid-late may if your around new york.
  4. But don´t start until after all frost has finished. Whatever country you are in.
  5. O.K. sorry guys/gurls I am in the U.S. and I live in the south east. No worries on the frost bro that is long gone, just 75 and up from now until fall. JOE>

  6. So the ideal month was probably two months back. Didn´t realise you meant THIS year. Just assumed your grow was well under way.
    Why have you left it so late??

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