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idea for homemade vape

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by crakiswack, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Alright so stick with me here guys. I smoked a bowl about a half hour ago and got to thinking.

    Vaporizers work by using heat to essentially "bake" the weed, thus releasing the thc in vapor form which you inhale. Right? Correct me if i'm wrong but thats my understanding of how they work.

    I've done quite a bit of researching im the past half hour and most of the homemade vaporizers seem like some of the stupidest things ever.
    Lightbulbs dug open at the top, open flam directly on the glass of the bulb, and soda bottle cap on top with carb and mouthpeice...

    We can do better than that. I know it.

    So, I belive that a very effective homemade vaporizer would be using NiChrome Wire and a small metal container.

    For those of you that do not know what NiChrome Wire is, its an alloy of Nickel and Chromium that is very resistant to electricity, and when introduced to it, produces heat.

    Its the reason hairdryers and small room heaters actually produce hot air. And I apologize if im going on a rant here but ill get to the point.

    Take a small metal container, such as an empty altoids tin, and create a mouthpeice that extends somewhat away from the container.

    Load your bud in the small metal container, wrap considerably in NiChrome
    Wire and charge a couple of volts (depending on what gauge wire you have) of electricity through it.

    Idk just a thought. And if this seems completely illogical please let me know cause im kinda blazed right now and i feel like im a genious.

    So there. Yeah
  2. Try it and tell us
  3. You learn better by doing ;)
  4. Couldn't even read your whole post, that was a lot. I think I bought a vape on eBay faster!! Yaay shady Chinese wholesalers!
  5. sounds like a good idea, i like where its going

  6. Haha yeah i typed it up on my iphone.

    But to everyone else, ill get to working on a prototype and if it works well ill let you know and if its worth it then ill make a guide.
    But thanks!
  7. vids and pics please!
  8. Well, lightbulb vapes are convenient...
    I agree, there surely must be better ways.

    When you say "wrap considerably in NiChrome", do you mean wrap the bud, or wrap the outside of the container?
    (if it's the container... how do you hold this thing? and where do you put it down?)
  9. your basically making a MFLB but out of metal

  10. I meant wrap the container but now that you mention it. I guess thats quite a problem. Ill have to figure that out, thanks for mentioning that.
  11. ...thats called an MFLB and they are basically a little box of science
  12. i can't believe no one else has thought of this,
    but you know those little flasks we used in chemistry classes to heat over bunsen burners?

    i did some research, and they're called conical flasks, or you could go for a more bong-looking flat bottom flask. i got mine online for $10 including shipping, or if you're near a chemistry store or something they're $2-3.

    they're made of glass and completely safe for temperatures up to 300degrees or something.

    so now for MY question,
    are there any better/healthier alternatives to using a plastic soda bottle cap as the lid?? or a healthier alternative to plastic straws?
  13. i can't believe no one else has thought of this,
    but you know those little flasks we used in chemistry classes to heat over bunsen burners?

    i did some research, and they're called conical flasks, or you could go for a more bong-looking flat bottom flask. i got mine online for $10 including shipping, or if you're near a chemistry store or something they're $2-3.

    they're made of glass and completely safe for temperatures up to 300degrees or something.

    so now for MY question,
    are there any better/healthier alternatives to using a plastic soda bottle cap as the lid?? or a healthier alternative to plastic straws?
  14. *shudders* :(

    Yes. A glass bowl. Smoking out of a plastic cap seems horrific. At the very last resort use a ratchet piece. but a plastic cap? dammnnn :rolleyes:

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