I wonder if weed makes me more like normal people?

Discussion in 'General' started by CRTFTW, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. This is my personal weed story, and some questions at the bottom. Feel free to TL;DR if you want, that's cool. Although some commentary on my story would be nice. XD
    So I have some really REALLY bad anxiety and depression, enough to be put on fairly decent disability. I've always had problems connecting with people and being absorbed into things and enjoying things. On the rare occasion I do, when it's over (Like finishing a book series or something) I have some of the worst levels of depression, sometimes for weeks straight. I'm terrified of people, and I rarely go out. I even have trouble connecting with my wife at times. (Still no idea how I managed to get married.) I barely ever even slept, and I slept poorly whenever I did.
    So about five months ago, my brother got me smoking. The first few times destroyed me, but in a good way.
    Eventually, after about a month of just smoking on the weekends, I discovered it helped me sleep. So I started smoking before bed, usually only 1/3 of a bowl. I started sleeping GREAT. I feel rested every morning, and if I ever have trouble getting out of bed, it's because I got the munchies and ate too much the night before and now my stomach wants to murder me.
    So my moods have become better because of this. It also helps with anxiety attacks and deep pits of depression faaaaaar better than any pill I've ever had, and I've had a LOT. (I do tend to panic HARD if I ever see the police, and sometimes I get terrified that the neighbors can smell my weed through my smoke buddy. But those are fairly minor and uncommon.)
    I'm friendlier while high, I understand things better (sometimes) and I've been able to analyze many of my anxieties while high and can deal with them much better while sober now. Some have even gone away completely!
    So now I smoke 1/4 - 1/3 a bowl every night around 8pm, and I go to bed around midnight. When I'm high, I can enjoy things that haven't brought me joy in nearly 15 years. (I'm 26.) I'm generally happier. I've been doing this for about three and a half months now.
    But now I'm getting worried. I don't think I have a problem. I get excited to smoke, but I don't NEED to smoke, and my day isn't wrecked if I don't get to smoke. I've even forgotten to a couple times with no issue.
    But I am worried that I might be broken. Maybe I'm so broken, that only weed makes me like a normal person. Maybe my highs are just how normal people are supposed to feel. My brother and his friends, who have smoked every day for YEARS, usually have stronger and better highs than I do. I knew I was broken with the anxiety and depression, but I never thought I just existed less than a normal person, if that makes sense. Now I'm not so sure...
    Second thing I wanted to ask, though, is about how long should someone like me wait to let THC tolerance drop? A full bowl still gets me stupid high, and that's usually shared with my wife, which we only do friday nights. 
    Thanks for reading, and thanks to anyone who has any answers or comments.

  2. Well I'll start with the second thing.  In my experience(smoking daily 6+ years) smoking mostly at night I haven't noticed a difference in tolerance.  One 0.1g snap gets me good for a while, its always has...it always will.  Although I do use a variety of toking tools, 4-5 different bongs, few vapes and a rig for those tough days.  I think switching up your tool helps with tolerance, at least in my case. 
    As for the first thing...I have no helpful advice to pass on atm.  Let me think about it and I will get back to you if I come up with anything.
  3. It sound's to me like you're normal, and you found a natural, smoke able, delicious, delightful medicine. Congrats ^_^
  4. I also feel like everyone gets much higher than me. I think everybody just has different reactions. 
    If weed makes you feel like a 'normal' person? A normal person does not exist, we are all unique. Normal is in your head. 

    If weed makes you feel like a happier person, why should you worry about it being normal? It is a lot better than worrying all the time? And like you said, smoking weed has even helped you when sober. How you think and reflect over your problems, come to solutions and actually put those solutions to life. That is one of the best feelings ever. And it will stick with you, even if you quit. So just enjoy it for now, and let it help you 'repair' your life :)
     -Worrying is like carrying around an umbrella waiting for it to rain.
  5. It makes me more normal i think. Evens ya out.
    Weed is good. :)
  6. Its made me wonder what normal even is, does normal even exist?

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