I went to yearly eye examination while high.

Discussion in 'General' started by HighAsPhuck, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. I wasn't planning on it, but then I decided on the 'phuck it' option.  It was an 8am appointment and I didn't feel like waiting, so I vaped, which always leads to red eyes.
    Anywho, they have this machine that puffs a small stream of air on your eyes, which I think is to measure pressure - maybe.  Anyway, that think is sucks when you're high.
    I then go into my own room and sit on the big leather chair...quite comfy.  The room was pretty dark, minus the letters from the projector screen used to test your vision.
    So the Doc finally comes in -- keep in mind that this guy is super Christian i.e christian music playing throughout the buliding -- and we chat from a couple of seconds before testing my vision.  I passed that part without much of a problem.
    Then he looks at my eyes with one of those bright lights. It's PHUCKING ANNOYING AS HELL!!!!!!!  Then he says, "keep your eyes open," as he's shining a light that I swear is brighter than the sun, for several painful seconds. 
    I don't know exactly what it was, but I swear he knew that I was high.  He pulled out this bottle of eye drops, and I thought to myself for a few seconds "Fuck...he has to use visine because my eyes are too red...fuck."  It was simply to dilate my pupils.
    I'm so high right now.

  2. #3 ♥ Darcy ♥, Jul 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2013
    Haha one time I was asking my eye doctor if he could tell that people were high when giving examinations, and he said like 30-40 percent of people came in high.
    Also I smoked a couple days ago when they were giving me a check up after my surgery, and the doctor kept saying that I blinked a lot. He was shining a light into my eyes, making me move them around a lot. . .he was genuinely puzzled about everything. Worst high of my life. I thought at any second he was going to ask me if I was on drugs. Which isn't a big deal but my father was standing there and I just didn't want it to go down like that. He had no clue. Granted it was a few hours after I smoked, but I could tell my eyes were still a little affected. I have a lot of eye problems/muscle problems that are hard to explain, so I'm sure he just chalked it all up to that.
  3. Great thread would read again
    Does your eye doctor work at a dispensary? I lol'd @ 30-40 percent, thought that makes me think that he knew I was high.  And it's strange because he seems to be kind of close to my family.
    No, haha. He's just a normal doctor at a normal place.
    Your doctor definitely knew. IMO. I've never had them make me use eyedrops before.
  6. Been going high every year for the past 10 years. Every time he tells me I shouldn't have to dialate my pupils.. I know why.. 
  7. is there an actual point to this thread??
  8. Is there a point to asking if there's a point to this thread?
  9. Haha thats so funny. 
    "Ummm sir, could you open your eyes a bit more please so we can complete the examination."   lol.
  10. I've done this before and at the dentist's office. I remember signing the check-in sheet and my eyes were straight bloodshot. There was noway around it and I actually came from a friends/my ex-dealer. These ppl must know once they see us hiiigh
  11. that air machine sucks when you're not high too.

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