I went to the hookah bar last night...

Discussion in 'General' started by 1hitquit, Aug 7, 2007.

  1. Yea so I visited the Hookah Bar last night, it was pretty cool, we sat around and smoked rasberry tobacco for about an hour. After I was done smoking I felt like passing out, it wore me out, is this normal, does hookah bud wear you out? I over slept my normal time, and I feel awesome.
  2. Well, the charcoal has carbon monoxide which will thin your blood.. so yes.

  3. Haha sorry, That made me laugh. It's actually a type of tobacco. The tobacco is mixed with glycerin, fruit preserves and syrup. What kind of Shisha was it?

    Washed ones usually have .03 or less.

    Non- washed can have .5-.3 Which is a lot stronger.

    A few bowls/ a long session with non-washed can make the casual hookah connossieur sick, or feel pretty buzzed.

  4. what the hell is being washed? and with what? and it has .5 of what? this was the most confusing post ever spaz!
  5. Thats awesome you got to go to one, I myslef went to one on Sun for my birhtday adn it kicked ass. Smoked Peach melon Tobacco, the smoke was just soo smooth and cool, and in the water part there was this light that would to on when you took a drag.
    We all felt pretty mellow, and the next day I felt tired, Idk if it was form the tobacco or because I had been so damn busy, all n all it was a sweet b day.

  6. Haha oops. The nicotine content.

    The tobacco that's washed is stripped of most of its nicotine.

    I messed that one up pretty good.

    Non- washed shisha has a higher nicotine content, which equals a stronger buzz!
  7. Washed tobaccos (Starbuzz, Al Fakher, Layalina) contain .05% nicotine. Unwashed tobaccos (Tangiers, Romman, Nakhla) contain .5% nicotine.

    Hookahs are great, I have two Myas myself and I couldn't be happier. It's cheap, fun and legal. Unwashed tobaccos will usually give you a headrush. Did you happen to get the brand name they use? The cheapier brands are usually unwashed such as Nakhla or Al Waha. Shisha Cafes use these often, I myself couldn't speak higher of Starbuzz.

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