I went to my Moms house today and watch Zietgiest with her

Discussion in 'General' started by bigred420, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Her impressions.

    Part 1: So what if Jesus was plagerised, I got faith.

    Part 2: Thats pretty interesting, why hasn't this been played on the news?

    Part 3: I always knew those rat bastards were behind something.

    I love my mom, thats literally all she said the entire movie.
  2. lol, sounds like a chill mom. I thought zietgiest was a pretty good flick, what about you?
  3. its ok, I mean some of the things didn't come true like the whole ID card deal but it had lots of facts to back it up. Definetly propaganda, not saying that it is lies but it does tell some half truths.
  4. Which half-truths did you like? I saw that movie awhile ago so you might have to remind me of some of what's in there.
  5. Yeah I agree. Some eye opening stuff there, but you def need to do your own research to find the true validity of the claims. Wouldn't surprise me if at least 3/4 of the stuff was true.

    The George Carlin thing at the beginning was priceless, I'd never heard it before this flick.

  6. The ID cards hasn't come true yet, thats one I already mentioned. The claim about how Horus walked on water is false, he could fly and these zietgiest people bent the story telling rules by saying he walked on water. In this thread they went to more detail on the issue. I'm sure some things are absolutely true about the movie, but it is full of lies and half truths just like anything else.

    I think the problem with the movie is that it is to abrasive, the intro is basically a big fuck your whatever you have believed in up to this point you were fucking wrong and here is why your wrong, or that is atleast the impression I got.
  7. Hmm... interesting. I wish I could remember some facts from that movie.
  8. the realID act has come true, but it has been delayed. the bill itself has already been passed.

    aside from the religion part i thought it was a pretty informative documentary.
  9. What was it about the religion part that you didn't find informative? The manner in which it was presented, or something else?
  10. The real ID doesn't seem that bad to me, and a one world government seems to me like coming together of people more than anything, if anything piece nuts should love the idea of the Unions. A one world government would mean no wars, sure a few people at the top are controlling us, as long as I got a nice life here why bitch. I mean here in America we got things made for us compared to places in Africa and such.
  11. I've never seen it but a few friends talk about it quite a bit. Would u guys recommend seeing is or is it BS?
  12. The only part I'm interested in is Part 3.
    The first two parts are fairly insignificant.
  13. I saw my mom today and she mentioned that the movie really got her to think, she works for the state and told me that she really been questioning her job practices for a while. I think she wants to change her career agian, she used to be an accountant for a really corrupt entrepanuer in town and got out of that because of money laundering issues that were coming up. Now she says the same kind of shit is happening to her now with the government.
  14. Seen bits and pieces of it, but more than anything I've just read what people have said about it on here and other message boards. As far as "facts", it hasn't really informed me of anything I didn't already know. Part one is an interesting take on Christianity. Parts two and three are a mildly entertaining, but distasteful pseudo-documentary. Basically a combination of a few solid facts, quite a number of twisted half-truths, and a lot of imagination... all wrapped up and packaged with fear. But then again, no one would watch it if it was the truth. Anyone else see the irony?
  15. Part III should be the part for everyone to watch. Even if the thoughts of the Real ID and a New World Order are far-fetched to you, it is a great thought provoker. And that's what we need more of. People thinking for themselves and seeking truth and knowledge.
  16. How is watching a "thought-provoking" movie truly thinking for yourself? This is what I said before about irony... it claims we're all being deceived and lied to by the government, just blindly following it without question. But the truth is that everyone who watches this movie is being deceived and lied to by the filmmakers, many choosing to blindly follow it without question. If people want truth, knowledge, and the ability to think for themselves, then they should probably stay away from Zeitgeist.
  17. Ughh, zietgeist is a film full of wild claims. I call them wild claims because they do little try and prove any of it. Its a movie full of grainy photo's and film footage wich is taken out of context 90 percent of the time.

    Do I believe religion is bullshit? Absolutley. Do I beleive 911 was a planned inside job? Not a chance in hell! Do I believe that bush and his administration had possible prior knowledge and used 911 as an excuse to further their agenda and invade iraq? Absolutely!

    For everyone that believe 911 was an inside job, and that this all powerfull goverment pulled off one of the biggest shows of smoke and mirrors in recorded history. Whats to stop them from stopping anyone who tries to uncover their secret? IE: All of the people making these types of films? I mean if they really have that kind of power, why not just go one easy step further and snuff out anyone trying to uncover them?

    Link http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html
  18. i love that guy, RIP, and its a really good bit, but the first time i saw it i was pretty ripped, he kinda scared me a bit. but i liked the movie in general. makes you think

  19. Wow really? Don't get too accustomed. This makes me really believe the government has a strong hold on the people. It makes me think of a situation in which the government with small shoves here and there, will slowly and slowly push you towards the edge of a cliff. All the time you thinking "they're really not going to do it. I'm sure it will be okay."

    A one world government is pretty nuts to me. I really hope no one all over the world will ever let that happen. The Zeitgeist movie was like "meh" but had interesting points at time. People can do a lot of research on the info they presented and learn it themselves.
  20. Real ID card is true, they were having trouble passing the bill,but it eventually got passed.
    December 2009, I think is when they begin.

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