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I want to make some booty calls. What's the number?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by GGrass, May 13, 2011.

  1. I want to make some booty call. What's the number to dial?



    No... seriously..... what should I dial to make a booty call?

    0. For operator of course.

    "This is the operator, how may I direct your call?"

    "I'd like you to direct my call to your booty please."



    But seriously... Don't tell me your booty call number... coz I just might call you one day!

  2. I think 1-800-go to the nearest bar will get you much closer to a booty call than 911.

    Edit: actually ya know what, try 911 first. It might work.
  3. 1-800-Big-Dick
  4. 1-800-King Kushs Escort Service

    Ext: 420 to speak with Mr.King Kush himself or to ask for his recomendations
  5. ask your wife:wave:
  6. My butt dials people all the time. Accidentally of course.
  7. Great Answer...gotta love it

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