I Wanna Od On Heroin

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Psikonaut, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. I usually see the positive side of life... always laughing and joking nd shit.. but now it seems i lost everything.. fought with my ex coz of a friend of mine.. she left me.. saw me with another girl .. she went out with 3.. 2 of them she said THEY kissed her... anyway.. turns out it wass all of my "friend"s fault.. nd now im in all this shit.. we ere together for 7mnths nd a half.. would be 8 mnths next 19th... anyway.. we talk now nd we miss each other.. but still im in a prty fkd up state of miind.. and NO i dont wanna OD coz of all this.. no i wanna od coz of all the past bullshit ive got for no reason =] dad left.. bro died.. friends betray me.. somehow poor...always with a hassle in my mind.. whats d point of goin on livin?

    im quite a nervous person.. i get angry easily.. id rather die then spend time in jail for murder or shit like that.. coz im prty afraid ill go down that path too.. -.-

    like granny used to say... "youll go to jail somedayy"
  2. Do you believe what granny used to say? if you do then that is exactly where you will indeed end up. In order to have a different type of life then you have to be the one to step up and make the change you want to happen. If your brother died then I am sure he is around watching out for you and trying to help you get a new way but you have to be ready to break the cycle you are currently in.

    Do you have a job? Do you like that job? If not, why? Are you in school? What makes you happy? Find the happy spot in your life and it will show you what will bring happniess into your life on a moment by moment basis opposed to where you are now.

    Good luck to you, believe where it is you want to go and then take the steps to get there one step at a time.
  3. Oh gee, sounds like an awesome idea. No but really life ALWAYS goes up and down no matter who you are. Just let all of those pissed off hormones exit your body ha.
  4. hey man you lost you bro? think how hard that was on you, why do it to somebody else?selfish...common man times get better.
  5. bad idea.

    Quit doing drugs and engage in an activity that will make life better in the future.

  6. yeah the spot was my ex.. although we fought.. i still woudlnt do any shit.. now? my good mornin break fast is quite simple.. 2 cans of beer.. a spliff.. some wine.. more spliffs thru d day..
  7. Stop glorifying death man. You think its going to be all cake and happy endings or something? that it'll stop your pain? that's infantile thinking. You're your own worst critic and your left and right brain are having a field day with one anther. Killing yourself accomplishes one thing, making every in your life miserable for the rest of theirs.

    And don't give me that everyone hates me no one loves me bullshit. That isn't true. It just isn't. Believe it or not there is one person at the very least who gives a shit about you. My brother died 2 weeks ago and he used to say that shit all the time. You know what? His funeral procession was a mile long. So don't think yourself as this lone wolf, when you have no idea the impact your life has made on people. Death is a serious, totally fucked up thing. Don't ruin other people's lives because things are getting hard for you. Deal with it because i can guarantee you, the alternative is bullshit and fucked.
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  8. who the fuck said no one loves me and that im alone? coz im not.. ive got ppl who give a shit.. its not like that.. its the feeling that ive lived long enough.. got what i could from my kind of life.. coz no offence.. you don't know shit about how i live..
  9. You can try to defend your death position all you want, but to think that yu have the wisdom to decide whether killing yourself is a good idea tells me that you aren't thinking about the whole picture. Your right i don't know your life, but there isn't anything that you can tell me that will make me think killing yourself is the right decision. Because MY LIFE tells me its just details. Everything we experience are details in a grand picture, and people get too caught up in their own details that they miss out on what the universe is trying to tell them. You're going to ruin all those people's lives who care about you. I know it. I'm living it. So you're fucking wrong. stop bein selfish and man up.
  10. lived long enough?

    No offense but your grammar suggests you are under 20 years old. Theres plenty to live for that you don't even know about yet.

    Dont be a pussy and kill yourself before you even realize what those things are. :mad:
  11. exactly, how old are you OP? not that it really matters as there are things at any stage in life that are yet to be experienced. part of life is going through the shit as well as the good times and all the shades of grey within

  12. :hide:
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  13. its all perspective... one person is only so much better than the next... its just how you see yourself, really. ive been there too, where bad shit just happens over and over... and fucking over again. eventually you beat yourself over your misfortunes and thats when life can start to get really dark.

    i believe lifes biggest challenge is the battle within yourself. you are your best friend, as well as your worst enemy. find yourself, and the bs around you wont phase you nearly as much.
  14. There my friend is the issue. Don't mask it, deal with, work through it, and then you can take the next step. Have a biscuit with butter and see if that does not fix you up. :p
  15. well.. now i feel fine.. took 50mg of atarax
    2 caps of ponstan.. half a bottle nurofen and doin some butane and inhalors...i cant seem to think attm...
  16. r u fuckin serious?
    after 8 months u wanna kill yourself?
  17. od'ing on heroine is like going to heaven on the worldest softest pillow, snuggled in the warmest blanket

    i say go for it
  18. ^ Reverse psychology?
  19. OP, if you kill yourself, you'll never know how true this statement is.

    Whether you believe it or not, it's up to you whether you want to be happy or not. It's your choice, so make the decision.
  20. bam.
    this man knows whats up.:wave:

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