I used to work in a health food store

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by bahookahjoe18, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. Hi Blades. I like science a lot, particularly nutrition, chemistry, physics, and a few others.

    In working for this store, I learned how important it is to put the right chemicals in your body. I also independently study a little neurochemistry. I like the hippie voodoo stuff too, so I might talk about that from time to time.

    Anyway, I can answer some nutrition questions if you've got them, and I'll offer tips from time to time. Anyone else can give knowledge too. I don't know it all.

    I'm just learning how to take care of my body and mind affordably.

    Your body is powered by oxygen. Breathe deep and get near some plants every once in a while if you live in the city. :)
  2. So there's a myth that if you blow smoke derived from cannabis into the ears of an animal (usually human, dog, or cat from the cases that I heard), that they will get the strongest high from this method because the THC is entering straight into the brain. If this is true, wouldn't you absorb the chemicals from a swimming pool? I know the actual water itself can't bypass the blood-brain barrier; but if the molecules from the smoke can, can Chlorine and Bromine get absorbed in the brain from being submerged in the water for long periods of time?

    Or am I just smoking too much weed?
  3. [quote name='"dariolovesdeb"']So there's a myth that if you blow smoke derived from cannabis into the ears of an animal (usually human, dog, or cat from the cases that I heard), that they will get the strongest high from this method because the THC is entering straight into the brain. If this is true, wouldn't you absorb the chemicals from a swimming pool? I know the actual water itself can't bypass the blood-brain barrier; but if the molecules from the smoke can, can Chlorine and Bromine get absorbed in the brain from being submerged in the water for long periods of time?

    Or am I just smoking too much weed?[/quote]

    That's a very interesting thing man. I wouldn't mind hearing more on this topic.
  4. [​IMG]

    Here's a diagram of a cat's ear.. of course, most mammals' ears are generally the same. You wouldn't be blowing the smoke into their brain, the farthest the smoke would get would be the ear drum. Only way past that is to rupture the eardrum or to be a vibration. Basic anatomy. :rolleyes:
  5. I see. Not bunked yet though.

    Is there any way that any part within the ear canal can absorb the molecules? If we can absorb chemicals/molecules through our skin, why couldn't we in our ears? Because if it does get absorbed in that area, it's still really close to our brain. When we absorb THC in our lungs, the molecule enters our blood stream and travels up to our brain. So if we absorbed it closer to our brain, wouldn't it travel faster and more efficiently towards it?

    edit: Fuck the more I think about it, the less I want to swim laps for cardio :(
  6. Is the whole "organic foods" thing really utter crap or is there actually a notable difference that makes it worth the effort?
  7. Simple search in google...

    Organic, difference between organic and sustainable - The Issues - Sustainable Table


  8. I'm sure it's completely possible for the skin in the ear to absorb the molecules, but I'm willing to bet traveling through air and then through blood is a lot more efficient than traveling through skin, cartilage, and fat before eventually hitting the bloodstream anyway. The only way for the molecules to ever get to the brain to bind to receptors is through the blood.

  9. You are smoking too much weed..

  10. Even if the ear can absorb THC, it would be extremely inefficient. Think about it, if you take one moderate hit into your lungs, which are designed to absorb what's in the air and have a surface area about the size of a tennis court, you'll get a little bit high depending on your tolerance. If you could even take a full hit into the ear, the surface area is extremely small when compared to the lungs and the THC has to go through a thicker layer of skin and fat, so a very very small amount would be absorbed. Take that info and combine it with the fact that you CAN'T actually take a full hit in the ear (I'll take a guess of about 20%-30% of the smoke blown goes into the ear), it would take many MANY hits to even feel a thing.

    And also, I really don't think the proximity of absorption to the brain would have anything to do with how high you get. The smoke can't get past the ear drum, so the fact that it's closer to the brain could make you feel it a bit sooner but that's it. The THC would quickly spread evenly through your bloodstream.
  11. How did this change from a nutrition thread to getting animals high through their ears so quickly?

    Do you have any tips on what to eat in the morning to get you up and going, not like coffee, but something that will give you some lasting energy in the morning. I eat oatmeal now and that is alright.

    Any tips specifically for ectomorphs? I have heard eat a lot of protein and eat all the time.
  12. k i gots a question.

    please point me to studies involing meat on health in humans.

    for the longest time is was meat meat meat. get enough protein. meat helps your brain

    now its no meat. eat greens greens and more greens. and then some seeds and fruits.

    im a believer that meat is an essential nutrient. but humans are not meant to eat a lot of it. we are not herbavres, but omnivores. humans picked up hunting shortly after they used tools most likley, and some point to hunting as a cause of the evolution of the brain

    ive also noticed that all the most inteligent animals in the world eat meat.
    wails, knines, felines, and birds.

    so im wondering if any realy good studies have been done on the subject.
  13. The main question was whether or not the Chlorine and Bromine can get absorbed by the brain if the ear is continuously submerged in a public pool for a long period; it was derived from that myth.

    So yeah.. any chance of Bromine and Chlorine entering the bloodstream through our ear canal being submerged in water, and traveling to our brain?
  14. Bong rips straight to the ear everyone!!!
  15. Alright. well im a smoker and a toker..now that its fall/winter im hockin up shit 24/7 and i feel sick for extended periods of time. bein at work n nigjht school makes it a bitch.
  16. #16 bahookahjoe18, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2011
    Just a disclaimer: I'm not an expert on any of these fields, so don't just take my word for these things. Do some research if you're feeling sketchy about it.

    I think the organic foods is a good thing. It (mostly) ensures you against pesticides and assuredly keeps genetically-modified foods out of your diet. However, it's expensive to eat all organic meat and produce, and we're all going to die sometime, so I'm not making a fuss about it, though I do eat organic when I can.
    Eat some complex carbs in the morning. This helps boost some ATP production and will keep you going for a while. Boiled eggs, pasta, toast, oats, rice.

    As for eating all the time, that's what I like to do, and I'm an endomorph. Animals in the wild don't eat 3 meals a day. They just go on about their lives eating little bits here and there. It's good for sustained energy and a steady burning of calories.

    You'll be able to find the studies just as well as I'll be able to, but I can tell you what I think about meat.

    Everything's good in regulation. Eat meat a couple times a week. Get your proteins from other sources.

    Proteins are composed of amino acids, and different food sources have different amino acids. Your body synthesizes it's own proteins, but there are certain amino acids (the essential aminos) that you must get from a food source.

    Phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, lysine, and histidine are essential for humans.

    To make sure you get all these, eat your foods in combination with other types. You have veggies, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans. Meats are complete proteins in themselves, so you don't need to eat them in combination with anything else in order to get what you need. Eat veggies and grains. Grains and nuts. Beans and seeds. Beans and veggies.

    As well as building proteins, amino acids also play a major role in your brain's chemical make-up. Tyrosine is important when you're going to have to be on a T-break, because you won't be producing much dopamine, and tyrosine helps dopamine production, so you'll feel happy if you were sad.

    Any chance? Sure. From what I could find, swimming occasionally isn't going to kill you from bromine toxicity. However, bromine competes in your body for iodine receptors, so if you swim all the time, take an iodine supplement to ensure that you're still getting what you need.

    I don't think this is against the rules, but if it is, let me know so I can delete this and prevent this thread from deletion.

    Smoke some mullein. It's a plant that probably grows all around where you live. It's got fuzzy leaves and a tall stalk that grows up and flowers yellow in early summer. It's a great decongestant and expectorant. I use it any time I have a chest cold.

    Tip: If you have frequent heartburn or other general indigestion, try avoiding gluten for a day and see if you still get heartburn.

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