I took 5 extacy pills yesterday

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Delusional K, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. and im taking 5 today(not all at once)

    I snorted 2 pills when i woke up and when my friends come over im popping 3

    Should I be okay? I know i need tons of water, but i dont really care if I end up dying just wondering
  2. i smell a troll
    pics or shens
  3. wow unless you got shitty pills or you know these rolls yea thats not very smart
  4. How is he being a troll by saying he did 5 pills. I know people who do that shit on a regular basis. Dont do so much next time.
  5. i seen a kid who took 25 rolls once...

    one my best friends took 11 once..it all depends on tolerence

    But you should care about dying.

    Most ive taken was 2 with some K and that was intense you must have some week hits:rolleyes:
  6. Most i've done was pluged .3 of molly and took like 3 more bumps in ma nose through the night. now THATS crazy :p
  7. Yeah I took 5 twice in one week this week and Im okay. And these pills were great. My eyes wouldnt stop wiggling for a couple hours.
  8. shit 5 a day wasnt that bad for me when i used to pop alot, but IME this shit will catch up with you, be careful.
  9. FUck I ended up taking 8 pills

    Smoke a lot of dank it keeps upping my high
  10. Been there done that, have fun tmr.
  11. I took three rolls once and didn't sleep for like two days...I like sleeping...thats the only thing I dont like about rolls is lack of sleep, and seeing as I'm a chill dude that doesn't usually like going out partying being up all night in your dorm room with not shit to do isn't cool.
  12. My mind is still melted from earlier this week. Like I can physically feel it. Last time that happened I had seizures.
  13. At that rate of popping pills you'll be burnt out & depressed before too long.
    People need to learn that MDMA is a drug supposed to be used once or twice a month.
    If you want to continue rolling throughout your life i HIGHLY suggest cutting back now.
  14. Fuck yeah im rolling probably another 3 or 4 tomorrow
  15. Oh Im already burnt out

    Once I got OCD my life has been fucking horrible Suicide is a daily thought i dont give a shit about my life

    I'd rather die from extacy then go with the guilt of killing myself(which ive tried twice)
  16. Real smart, considering the post above you.
  17. Have fun with that heart attack.

    Or maybe someone's selling you asprin with food coloring... if you really feel like taking MORE right now, after that...

  18. METH

    cmon man i can take a molly and sleep fine once im baseline
  19. No its really strong extacy im just trying to get out of this world be taking alot

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