I think therefore I am-Hypocrates anyone believe this ? i do. i am 90% sure everything else is real but i have no proof. the only thing i can proove is i am real. and by thinking. i dont even know if iam a human it could be a dream and i could be an eagle,monkey,bug,or alien. this all could be a dream. think of it you live your life for about 70 years and walk into a liquor store and its getting robbed and the robber decides to shoot you and the mili-second before the bullet hits you you wake up . how trippy would that be ? anyone think this is true or a load of crap ? discuss this philosphy about life...
idk whether or not life is true or if we are all just some dream, and there is no way to prove it so really i dont care if we are all fictional, i feel as if i am making my own decisions. I think to myself about what decisions i wanna make. If all this is being controlled by a person dreaming, or if we are all characters in some weird book, w/e because we are totally ignorant of whatever 'supreme' force would actually be controlling us. We may be getting controlled but we are not aware of it hmmm...im sorry if this isnt makin a whole lot of sense, i cant seem to communicate what ive got in my head very well.... but i guess basically, 'i think therefore i am' is true whther or not we actually 'are' we are all here performing various actions, living our lives, and we believe we are in control, and if it turns out that our universe in one big strange puppet show, theres nothing we can do so we may as well go on living like we believe we are our own ppk and not characters being controlled by some author.
As pointed out in another thread, it was Descartes who stated this. But that's irrelevant. 'Cogito ergo sum' or 'I think, therefore I am' is a self fullfilling prophecy; the mere fact that we are thinking proves our own existance. I have no doubt that I myself exist, although proving the existance of others is a bit more tricky. Although I fail to see how the fact that you may now be dreaming makes you any less human; in order for there to be misleading and illusory perceptions there must also be those that accurately represent the world. The idea of a false experience is parasitic upon the idea of a true experience. Take for example Ryle's false coin analogy: “In a country where there is a coinage, false coins can be manufactured and passed... An ordinary citizen... might become suspicious of the genuineness of any particular coin that he received. But however general his suspicions might be, there remains one proposition which he cannot entertain... that all coins are counterfeits. For there must be an answer to the question ‘Counterfeits of what?’” [Gilbert Ryle, Dilemmas, pp94-95].
I think what the OP was referencing was that what if we arent really controlling what we think. We believe we are thinking, that we are in control of our actions, but what if we are all a dream, or we are all characters...then our thoughts arent true thoughts they are just what the author says they were hmm.. maybe im lookn too far into the original post
a tree doesnt think so it is not? i dont always think, but i suppose i am not during those periods. meditation and sleep open up new windows to great vistas and you dont need a password. this is the matrix dilema. how do i know i am in the matrix? i cant prove anything, the only thing i can do is live life according to what i think is right. live life with plenty of love and happy times and when i die, who cares if i was a battery all my life, i enjoyed being a battery. there are stories of people on their death bed that say they lived their whole life wrong, regretting everything they did or didnt do. so wake up now while you are still alive and realize that everything has been with you the whole time.
Ah, a sort of 'brain in a vat' theory. We could just be brains suspended in life sustaining liquid with our neurons connected by wires to a supercomputer which would provide it with electrical impulses identical to those the brain normally receives. Since the brain in a vat gives and receives the exact same impulses as it would if it were in a skull, and since these are its only way of interacting with its environment, then it is not possible to tell, from the perspective of that brain, whether it is in a skull or a vat.
but i would be so pissed if i woke up and i was 2 years old and a super brain. like my iq would be 100 genuis minds combined. so i would be like wtf ? if i could remeber. or if i was a charcter in a book. or what if i was never really real and i was someone figment. what if earth is a south park complex ? where aliens or a super being is using us to interact and to watch us as ammusement...