I think someone found my guerilla grow?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by microgrower, May 18, 2012.

  1. I went to my plot this morning to find my water jug torn-up and 1 out of 2 plants dug up. The jug was in a 2 foot deep hole and it was in a different orientation, looks like either a dog ate it or it was shot with a shot gun. I mean the one plant was a sprout and the other is a Medium sized plant i started indoors. Why wouldn't they rip that out of the ground??? Could this have been the work of a animal?
  2. Got pics?
  3. um im kinda leary about going back. The one plant was dug up, and i think its funny you have your lattitude and longitude for your location.
  4. A gun would be obvious, even with a shotgun the entrance hole and exit holes would tell ya, but always go with your extinct.
  5. claymores .....
  6. If there's only one left than don't go near that place again, it's not worth it.
  7. It was a animal. Rippers don't take plants this time of year. They let you do all the work and then come steal your bud right before you were going to chops them down
  8. Yeah most people I know don't chew up water jugs. Sounds like a bear or something. Or maybe a Bigfoot, lol. ;)

  9. I concur, a Bigfoot got me once too. LOL.

    Seriously it wasnt the police or a person otherwise both would be gone. Did you use blood or bonemeal in your soil mix???? Thats a bad idea for a guerrilla grow. Attracts Animals. And what was on your hands the last time you handled the jug? Something smelled of food.

  10. What did your water jug hold before water?
  11. It was a milk jug before. I dont really want to use guns because thats how people die. :( i thought maybe they missed it but its pretty hard to miss lol. I didnt use bone meal just potting soil and peat moss.
  12. fresh soil (something new) also attracts some animals.
    Grate irish soap and sprinkle it around the grow
    and/or piss in a bottle, add a few eggs leave a few weeks and spray around your spot
    and/or predator urine
    dog / human hairs
  13. Lol i know i have fishing line and i pee around my plot all the time. So you guys think animals did it?

  14. I've been curious about this for a while. Does anyone know what Irish soap is recommended before other brands?
  15. Not a clue man.
  16. Dude it was a racoon happens all the time
  17. Never left jugs of water outside b4
  18. Probably a samsquanch
  19. I just visited a location where I had 3 plants and one was dug up by a racoon or rabbit. It was one seed I found in a Bag of OG Kush (supposedly) so I admired it above the rest of my genetics (various bag swag). I cant lie I am bummed out about it. But I found the severed plant and stuck it back in the ground and watered. Who knows maybe it will root itself if it truly wants to live it will. That's how I see it. Mother Nature is a cruel bitch sometimes. Keep Fighting, in this case Keep Growing... Love to my fellow Guerillas...


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