"I think my wife is cheating on me"

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Reflection Eternal, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. ''I think my wife is cheating on me''

    And at the end he's all busy about his motorcycle =O
  2. hahaha... brilliant!
  3. fucking hillarious
  4. lol thats mad funny + rep
  5. Every repost is a repost of a repost... -_-
  6. Funny stuff!
  7. Man i fucking love you dude*gat moment) hahahah that made my whole fuckin year im so stoned and while i was reading this i got so into it and serious then i read that iw as like what wat hwathahaha
  8. epic win haha
  9. omg i just did the same thing haha.

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