I think my mom is crazy. Or maybe I am?

Discussion in 'General' started by go_green, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. thinking about passing a kidney stone makes my penis feel sour
  2. I wouldn't know. but put it this way, in child birth, nature allows the exit to widen, the straw a stone shoots through doesn't really open up.
  3. That sounds like a really bad idea. I couldnt imagine the pain involved with passing a kidney stone. Being baked would be a bad idea, for me anyways. Take the pills.

    FYI, Cocaine, opiates, and caffiene are all totally different things.
  4. this is actually kinda humorous......marijuana to combat kidney stone pains :laughing:
  5. Simply ask the doc for a non-opiate/opioid based painkiller. Something with codeine would be a good idea. Kidney stones can be painful to pass.

    Alternatively, you can ask for alternative options to treat your stone. There are treatments which involve ultrasound etc. These may be more invasive and costly, however.
  6. ooo yeah the weed will defiantly get rid of the pain of passing a rock through your dick... :confused:

    cmon man think would you rather have severe pain in your dick area or take a few pills that wont do any kind of serious damage to your body
  7. no way this kid is 18...

    cocaine = oxycotton?

    are you fucking retarded??...
  8. ok, i made a mistake because i had wrong information. I don't have the greatest mind or memory. jees, give me a break. people sometimes makes mistakes.

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