I think Im having marijuana withdrawal...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Sparkz19, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. [quote name="cball" post="19374139" timestamp="1390232132"]pay attention kiddo.no withdrawals from marijuanatell REAL medical science that it is wrong.[/quote]Lol. And there isn't a cure for cancer too I'm guessing? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. op there are ABSOLUTELY No withdrawals from marijuana you are over exagerating and you should stop marijuana is not like any other substance and even a super chronic smoker could stop cold turkey and been in no danger perhaps it is that you coincidentally also have a fever or your own placebo
  3. You can definitely get mild withdrawal symptoms from weed
    if you rely on weed to sleep every night and you don't have it, it may take you longer to fall asleep
    if you generally dont eat much and use weed to help you eat, and you suddenly dont have it, you wont be able to eat well
    if you use weed to combat anxiety and you dont have it, you may get anxiety
    these types of things may not technically be withdrawals but they are manifested in a way that appears as such
  4. It sounds like you are just having a minor bout of insomnia and anxiety.... You should probably stay away from marijuana. However you should see if you can get some Cannabis. It really helps with insomnia and anxiety.
    Hope this helps.......
  5. #65 smokinokie, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    The runny nose and such are not a product of withdrawal. Sounds more like one of the many virus' going around this winter. The insomnia may be a withdrawal symptom, as it's the only problem I have during breaks. Insomnia can put you in anxious state, along with the stress of starting school, might be causing the anxiety. 
    And at the risk of assuming, and I'm usually wrong when I do, it seems to me that you put a lot of pressure on yourself, if one can derive that from a mere paragraph. Deep breaths and stretching when the mind starts racing with responsibilities.
    Sometime's little anxiety attacks become big because they have the tendency to be a self fulfilling prophecy. You get a little anxious, and think "Oh no, I'm gonna have an attack!" which in turn makes you more anxious and so on and so on. Gotta tell yourself to stop it when it starts. Breathe. Distract yourself.
    And, with discipline, you can smoke pot and concentrate on your studies. Moderation is key.
    Experienced these unpleasant events a few years ago when the world was falling on me. Just a few things that worked for me. But again I say, "Ask your doctor if getting medical advice from stoned people is right for you."
  6. Cball I am in no way attacking you but I need to clarify some things. I do agree that weed is not addictive physically but many people have mental withdrawals. I get them when I have to t-break. Now when it comes to the physical part whether it's weed or unmentionables once a body gets used to "X amount of this substance every X hours or days" the body goes out of wack. When the body does this people call the physical affects withdrawals. Its two sides of the same coin. I get bad cold chills and cold sweats on t-breaks. When the body goes into withdrawal it's not becouse the substance is leaving your body it's cuz it's already gone and now the body is finding its equilibrium. Sent from my Tardis.
  7. And also guys every one has different withdrawals, some people get bad cold sweats, some get runny noses, bad dreams, ect... some lucky fucks get nothing. But no one puts anything in there body for extended amounts of time without the body havin to rebalance itself aka withdrawals. Ever know anyone who gets irritable or have a difficult tine without that morning cup of Joe they drink every morning?Sent from my Tardis.
  8. Same thing happens to me if I smoke heavily for 2 months then stop I start getting very irritable and paranoid.

    But I don't know about your fever I think you're just simply sick rest in bed man till that fever is gone.
  9. #69 deathduck, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2014
    I had to reply here, this guy is dead wrong and so annoying demanding proof from everyone else while providing none of his own.  I also like your mental gymnastics (@cball) saying cannabis cannot be addictive.

    Here's one peice of 'proof' : http://www.livescience.com/23494-cannabis-withdrawal-symptoms.html
    Also check out this reddit community: http://www.reddit.com/r/leaves
    You will see withdrawl symptoms and people admitting addiction in every other thread.

    "Addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences,<sup> </sup>or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors."

    Yes Cball, no one has ever had adverse -social- consiquences and continued to smoke cannabis right?  That simply isn't possible according to you.  You need to open your eyes and realize cannabis is a drug and it has possitive and negative effects on people, and it varies greatly from person to person (i.e. your personal experience with it does not make you an authority as you seem to believe).
  10. #70 cball, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2014
    opinions using these terms as escape clauses so they can blow off being WRONG later, are not proof...they are opinions only.
    • may
    • could
    • might
    • corilates
    and I am sure there are more but these are the most common....
    I asked for proof and you posted opinions in articles that do not show the studies, just the opinions  of people claiming to have seen the studies...
    per your link:
    oh my!!!!
    taking things out of context, using misdirection and fallacies do not make your brainwashed opinion true.(or mine, but I do not have to prove a negative)
    using long term defined habitual issues as evidence of addiction is a fallacy...one is not the same as the other...
    a little homework for you;
    do go read the terms ADDICTION and HABIT in dictionaries from the 1890's forward, year by year...watch what happens and when.
    btw;, social consequences are NOT signs of addiction...they are SOCIALLY related like prison, jail, fines, bigotry towards pot users...those are SOCIAL issues, not physical addiction problems.  (yes, you used another fallacy)
  11. Guys we should just let Cball be ignorant and leave this one alone.

    Sent from my Tardis.
  12. damn, i've always wanted to have lucid dreams... consider yourself lucky.  and with the social anxiety part...  what's there to be paranoid about?  we're all just humans tryin to figure our shit out
  13. I love lucid dreams I get them allot.

    Sent from my Tardis.
    I use to have all the exact same symptoms when i use to run out of bud. You just need a break 3-4 days to get your tolerance down. As for the sleeping i use to just take melatolin when i couldn't sleep helped alot. Also if your gonna smoke everyday make sure not to wake and bake and just wait until later at night to smoke, that's what helped me through my withdrawls now i dont really feel anything when i run out of bud.  
  15. LOL .. if you think youre addicted and having withdrawels to weed.. i dread to think what it'd be like for you with opiates :L
  16. #76 OneOfTheGoodOnes, Jan 25, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    I have often wondered how many people who have "withdrawals" smoked "blunts", "spiffs" or "poppers".
  17. Also, have you been drinking a lot of caffeine?  I tend to over think shit if I'm too hyped up.
  18. oh yeah been there man, I stupidly got involved with the dragon a year ago and had to detox, ugh....

    Sent from my Tardis.
  19. Cball loves the word fallacy. I assume by his posts that it's his favorite word and he just can't use it enough.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  20. You're so fucking right man. This shit is fucking pissing me off. So sick of these motherfucking people around here "I think I'm gonna stop smoking pot." / "I'm done with marijuana." / "I don't think it's doing me any good." / "I'm withdrawing..."
    Go fuck yourselves you moronic freaks crying out for attention, whore. Give me a fucking break, you don't like pot fucking keep it to yourself I'm sick of these bitches killing my buzz.

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