i think i'm getting more mature in my old age

Discussion in 'General' started by nomnomnom, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. when i first started smoking i really liked when i had a day to do nothing so i could smoke all day and night until bed. today was a day when my husband and i got to do that and now i feel differently about it. i don't like being stoned all day. i feel like i've been stoned for way too long today. i was supposed to go to the store and stuff but i put it off. so from now on i'll stick to being productive during the day (even if it is a day "off") and smoking at night when i have a chance. we just hadn't had pot in awhile so we sort of binged on it. :p

    anyone else ever feel like this?
  2. Eh, yea.. Somewhat... You just have to make sure to get all your shit done before you spark a bowl..

    Or, if you're a productive stoner then you can wake up and smoke a bowl and carry on your day as normal. :cool:

    But I know what you're saying... Sometimes I will have the whole day off and I will smoke the minute I wake up till the minute I go to bed and before I go to bed I feel like I've lost my high... Just for the simple reason, I've been smoking, constantly all day long.

    Although, sometimes I will think I'm sober and stand up and be like Wooooaaaahhh....
    Didn't see this coming.... :smoke:
    (this happens to me a lot at my place when I'm sittin on my comfy ass couch playin xbox and don't move for hours)
  3. I still enjoy it

    I dont feel like I have to get something moved around or bought everyday for it be successful

    Relaxation is good for your body. A day of chilling and clearing your mind is ok.

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