I swear that girls..

Discussion in 'General' started by ebola weed, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. make shit up just so they can get mad..
  2. [quote name='"iLovePartying"']make shit up just so they can get mad..[/quote]

    While that may be true..

    I swear that guys make up shit just so they can get laid.

    In the end, I think it's a fair trade. Angry sex is bomb.
  3. Yeh girls do that, they also love using people. And having control in reletionships :eek:
  4. Oh no doubt about it. I've lied to get laid before.. Hell, ive lied about my name, real sleazy i know hah..

    now i just leave girls that love me and constantly seduce hos :cool:
  5. ...are fucking crazy

  6. Waiiit...are you just making this up?
  7. I think its just you brah.

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