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I smoked hash for the time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ConnorW, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Went to my old dealers apartment usually don't make the drive but he's got super dank and really chill anyways he had hash and this weird designed bowl and an awesome bong, he gave me two big hits that were crazy, he lit up this iron bowl with a freaking torch gun thing and when I took the hit it didn't even have to pull the bowl it just sucked right through the bong.
    Can anyone explain me all of this ? I'm new to it
  2. Oil dome or what
  3. Idk look like a glass bowl like thing around it and he'd put the hash in the bowl while I was taking the hit then it would cook and make smoke ? The hash wasn't oil was like a paste
  4. Sounds like ear wax out of an oil dome.

    YouTube "oil dome dab"

    Is that it?
  5. Lucky bastage. I have yet to try hash, nor do I know anyone who sells it :(
  6. sounds like you vaporized it. then it pulled through and is probably sitting in nasty brown water right now
  7. I've always found hash to be very harsh to smoke. I rather do wax in my opinion.
  8. [quote name='"ConnorW"']Idk look like a glass bowl like thing around it and he'd put the hash in the bowl while I was taking the hit then it would cook and make smoke ? The hash wasn't oil was like a paste[/quote]

    Paste? Sounds like wax. Hash is harder.
  9. Yeah, you smoked oil from a ti pad. I remember my first time too man. My boy made some errl from WW, and I shit you not it tasted like straight fucking watermelons. The kushberry I tried as well tasted like straight up fucking blueberries. But I know how you feel man. After trying it once, you really don't wanna go back to smoking plant.
  10. headdddddddy
  11. Dank dude. YOu just had a good sesh.
  12. I don´t know about the bowl, or bong, but hash isn´t any different from marijuana. It´s compact, and you don´t have to grind it or anything. Smash it, or make small bits, and light it up. Preferably with some tobacco, to smooth it out.

    Hash doesn´t require any special equipment, you can smoke it in a pipe, bong, vape, joint, you name it. Though for joints, you need tobacco.


    - Serenity

  13. The LAST thing tobacco would do is make it smoother. Like seriously, if you have ever smoked tobacco out of a pipe or bong then you know it's pretty rough.

  14. Oh but I have plenty of times. Like I said, I only smoke hash. And smoking hash without tobacco is way harsher. Trust me. I've smokes many times without as well, but it both lasts longer, and tastes better with tobacco. Just sayin'! :smoke:

    - Serenity

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