I really want to try ecstacy but....

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by prophecyghost, May 29, 2009.

  1. Well let's see, I am pretty sure I will adore it. I tend to like everything I try, A LOT which would just be (weed, alcohol, pain killers, coke) I got kind of addicted to pain killers so I worry about my addictive personality but I have been hearing SO MUCH about ecstacy lately because my ex-boyfriend, who is still basically my best friend, he has been doing it a lot with his new roomate. They actually hardly know eachother but after doing x together they bonded. So I just hear alll kind of amazing things about it but I also just hear things like if your nervous you will have a bad trip which I just don't understand because how can you not be nervous when trying something new....? I'm nervous but REALLY excited because I basically told my ex-bf if he could find any then just get it and i'll do it... I would be doing it with him and his roomate. I don't reallty know his roomate all that well but I am pretty much comfotable with him. When I smoke/drink around him I am 100% comfortable so I don't THINK it would be a problem that I don't know him too well. I am really trying to figure some stuff out in my life right now and I am a spiritual person who is into opening up my mind. I think ecstacy will do this for me but I am still scared and I don't know why.. What is it like when it FIRST hits you? it is like "holy shit what the hell" or more like..." wow...this is amazing" I don't want to get all paranoid when it first hits. SHOULD I DO IT!?!?!?!?!
  2. I like how excited/nervous your tone is. It reminds me of the first times I tried it. ^_^

    Okay, one thing stood out about that at first; when you mentioned a bad trip. MDMA isn't a psychedelic; you don't trip on it, unless the pill ya take contains a 2c or something to that effect.

    That said, it's definitely an amazing experience; especially if you're rolling with someone you're close to. It really IS quite the bonding experience. Words just flow out; it removes social inhibitions (kind of like alcohol, but most of your judgment is still there; you usually don't make any decisions you wouldn't normally make.) The world is just AMAZING. Things look amazing; colours are vibrant, the world is 'sharp.' People look awesome, and everyone is very interesting. Everything you see is very interesting. Touch feels AMAZING. It's a subject by itself. For guys, usually sex isn't really on their mind/isn't really possible (although there are times/people it most definitely is,) but cuddling is the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. Skin feels ridiculously amazing. Menthol is amazing, if you're into smoking. Even the cough drops. Drinking anything is delicious (avoid alcohol, but drink about a glass/bottle of fluid each hour, especially if you're moving around a lot.)

    One thing you should keep in mind, is it doesn't usually HIT you. Not your first time; not until you get used to what you're feeling. It'll creep up on you, and you probably won't notice it at first. My best advice, and some I wish I'd followed in the early stages of rolling, is to just not think about it. It's incredibly difficult not to, but talk to people, enjoy yourself, dance, or play some games and just do normal things. All of the sudden, the world will be much more fun. :3

    Avoid outpressed pills. Those are pills where inestead of the picture being imprinted, they stick out. It's not a 100% rule; there ARE good outpressed rolls out there. It's just reeaally rare. Tons of outpressed pills are actually Piperazine, which is NOT going to give you the feeling you're looking for, and is prooobably much worse for your body than MDMA itself is.

    Definitely give it a go though. I have a very addictive personality, and the only thing addictive about ecstasy is the way it makes you feel. Don't go looking for that every day; your body can't really handle that much. Moreover, you brain will be drained of its serotonin. Once that's pretty much done (after a night of rolling,) you'll just be releasing dopamine, and that's just going to make you tired. Give it two weeks /minimum/ to a month between rolls, and make every time special; it's one of the most amazing feelings in life.

    Good luck, and happy rolling.

    Afterthought: Don't think of ecstasy as a drug that's going to make you feel completely different. It's basically a life-enhancer.
  3. Do yourself a favor ant try your hardest to get molly (pure mdma), but if you can't then E is fine. Basically when it hits you after 45 mins of taking it you're like "WOWWWW... this is fucking awesome"
    feel really warm, super happy and confident, inhibitions are lowered, feelings of well-being.

    It's a great time, just don't abuse it. Its not addictive as painkillers or coke so you should be fine.
  4. well i assume your a girl, youll be rolling with 2 guys, i think youll be satisfied with whatever you like, whenever, however, and anything else that whole night
  5. Just make sure you're comfortable with saying things you wouldn't normally say.
    I used to roll with my boyfriend and his best friend all the time, and we all got so close.
    But one time some other guy came over and I really didn't like him, but I couldn't tell him that.
    I kept thinking about how I didn't want him there, and I ended up having a seizure because I over thought about it.
    You just have to get things out of your head. Just kind of let yourself go and it'll be the most amazing experience of your life.
    Other than that,
    make sure you drink lots of water, but don't over do it.
    stay COLD. minimum clothing, and NO blankets.
    I heard it's ok if you drink alcahol on x, just make sure you drink a lot of water too.
    Personally, i never tried it.
    I'm sure they'll tell you all this shit again though.

    I'm not trying to like tell you what to do or anything, it's just I messed with this shit for a long ass time, and I've seen a lot of fucked up shit happening from it.
    But if you don't worry about it, it should be fine.
    Ecstacy is my drug of choice (other than weed), and i've pretty much tried them all.
    hope i helped.
  6. MDMA is a psychedelic.

    And yes, you can have a bad time. it's really hard though. You can't trip out or anything like that but if something bad happened you could have terrible emotional fear. No need to worry about this, it would only be if a close friend died or something of that matter.

    You'll feel amazing,

    Enjoy the MDMA!
  7. yeah man i agree with the above poster. it has to be actually something bad that happens that will make you ahve a bad experience on it. you will probably have the best night of your life, enjoy.
  8. yes, u indeed should

    and it's not really a trip more than it is an adventure

    and it's always good if it is a good pill, and bad adventures are rare, and more based on what is in the pill instead of what mood you are in

    it can be hard to sleep after, but that can be fixed with a couple beers or shots and a nice bowl or 2

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