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I really need help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Oceantoke, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. I need help because i just recentley started blazing again....i have been doing it a lot latley with some nice happy highs...but after that i started getting this weird trips where i feel like im goin to throw up and i start getting scared thinking how ill forget to breath and then ill get really really hot and illl get really bad cottonmouth all after jsut packin 1 bowl and a half:( i need help
  2. you got to the point of "fucked up" high. probably because you have absolutely no tolerance and smoked that much.
  3. so there is absolutley no way i can ever blaze normally again?
  4. Your trippin. I still dont understand how people can trip out like that on weed, i watched my buddy do it once in a hot tub, it was pretty fucked up.

    If it's givin you problems, stop and prioritize your life and shit and then start again, but more than likely your problem is that your not doing anything, just sitting there stoned thinking, and that ain't cool. Go out and do shit, it's pointless to get high if your going to sit there and do nothing, ya know?
  5. wow bro that sucks.
    i'm no expert but could this possibly be from smoking moldy weed??
  6. Thank you dawctor u think it would be safe for me to got bodyboarding high?
  7. just take it easy... start with a few hits. once you are comfortable start smoking a little more. gradualy build your tollerance over a week or two or three, it really depends on the person.

    or just enjoy being able to smoke a tiny ammount and get fucked up lol
  8. smoke small amounts then move on up... its pretty much like starting over again. most people would be happy to have no tolerance.

  9. Ask yourself, not me.:smoke:
  10. Dude it just sounds like your new and not tolerant whatsoever.

    Just smoke more you will be fine soon enough when your used to it.
  11. Happend to one of my friends when i smoked her up one time, she had smoked before but never inhaled properly so never really got high. But this one time i made sure she inhaled correctly, and she got fucked up. Her short term memory was shot. She thought she was going to die, i knew she was fine so it was a total buzz kill for me. She smoked again with me and she felt better but she got so scared from that one time she just wasn't interested in smoking any more.

    Now for you, you said you just started smoking again. that means you have 0 tolerance again. One and a half bowls is a lot for someone with 0 tolerance (what kind of weed was it mids? heads?). Take it easy next time, take it one hit at a time and wait like 5 min between each hit until you feel comfortably high. Slowly you can work your way up and wish you could get that fucked up again.

    You don't need to quit smoking you just need to take it easy. Also if you had headies try mids next time, saves you money and less worry about freaking out like that.

    Also, come to think of it when you smoked did you not get high for like 15min ish? If so you could of had some "creeper" weed (thats what my friends call it idk if it is a real name). Creeper weed is weed that when you smoke it the high kinda creeps up on you like you feel a little high and then 10-15 min later your all of a sudden stoned. If you feel that might be it take only take like 2 hits (wait the 5 min in between those 2) and then wait 10-15 min and take another 2 hits, continue until sufficiently high
  12. it's just in your head dude. you gotta be in a relaxed state before you smoke. and if you get these feelings again when you smoke, just keep reminding yourself that this isn't real and i'm completely safe and you should begin to feel fine.

    i had a terrible high once ..i was fairly new to smoking and i was eating a pop tart and then out of nowhere my mouth became completely numb and i was afraid to eat so i had to spit out my food and then after that i was in this freaked out scared mood the whole time cause my mouth was numb and i didn't know why.

    next time i smoked i got the same feeling again, but this time i reminded myself that it's normal and there's nothing to worry about and i didn't get scared after that, i felt great. Now i kinda grew to like the feeling lol

  13. i disagree, all you need to do is smoke a gram blunt of the dankest shit you can find with a good friend, and it will kick your tolerance up to the point where you can smoke w/o freaking the fuck out.
  14. I think it is mental to be honest. Maybe you got to high one time and now when you smoke you are expecting it to keep happening so it does. Like somebody previously stated go out and do something to take your mind off of it and I garuantee it will not happen anymore.
  15. Do it. I used to skii double diamonds high as fuck, thats a good time.
  16. Well a single bowl will still get me good, and I've been smoking daily for like 4 months so...
  17. Your starting to get paranoid probably because you're smoking more to achieve the same high as the last due to your tolerance.

    Take a t-break and try not to do it everyday. It should help. Unless your on opiates, benzos or any other kind of downers, there is no reason whatsoever that you will stop breathing. Remember that.
  18. Your anxiety is throwing you into a panic attack. It's mind over matter. When this happens, just talk to yourself...tell yourself, it's just's not real. Do like others said...occupy something physical. Even just zoning in on the tv or radio and listening carefully to the words being said or sang will take your mind off of what is happening in your mind. Occupy the brain...make it work elsewhere on other matters...not the high. The whole point of 'getting high' is to relax and enjoy yourself...if you can't do that, there's no point in getting high :confused_2:
  19. after smoking daily for the past year or so, i didnt smoke for a month because i had to pass a drug test and after i did, i immediately went out and smoked 2 blunts and i got on that level where i was freaking out. i started thinking about how people communicate with eachother and how languages are really a bunch of weird sounds and how it was just so weird that people understand eachother. i was about to full on trip out when i just thought to myself, damn man you need to chill the fuck out your just really high and i calmed down. shit works.
  20. yeah man. i used to think i was forgettin to breathe and freak out. but only after i smoked wayyyy too much but after i just realize its all in my head i calm down and forget about it.

    just try and relax when your high, and be comfortable cause chilling in a weird position always makes me feel like my internal organs are all fucked up. lmao

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