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i really need help with this decision

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dsta15, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. hi guys and thank u for the future input.

    im 18 yrs old and i smoke very often. im familiar with the different types of cannabis and there affects....(but where is this going)

    my mom has alot of problems with her thyroid and one of her biggest symptoms is insomnia and i know that indica strains are known for there cure of it. The only problem is that my mom doesnt know that i smoke so i dont know a way about telling her this without letting her know i smoke.... does anyone have any ideas....

    thanks again
  2. Just say you have been doing a lot of research on the subject and one of your friends told you you.Hope i helped :wave:
  3. yeah u did thanks
  4. Just a heads up, your mom won't listen to anything your friends say. Especially about drugs.
  5. but do u think she will if i print out articles to show her
  6. Just tell her it's well known that cannabis helps to treat such disorders... if she asks you how you knew that... ask her why she didn't, because it's not some big secret that someone JUST discovered.
  7. ^ Win.

    Just show her some articles and whatnot, tell her to try and keep an open mind, and if she agrees to check up on it, pull out a 6 foot bong and make her milk it.

  8. I would just state that you are concerned for her, and wanted to try and help her so you started doing some research. Your research lead you to overwhelming support that medicinal use of marijuana is helpful for people in her condition and just print off articles stating so. I would check out Granny Stormcrow's list for research listings.
  9. show her medical journals and whatnot. she will be much more inclined to listen to medical journal rather than your friends. you can say that you saw it on tv, because there has been a lot of exposure on this subject lately.. especially if you're in cali..

    i am actually hyper-thyroid. i smoke in order to eat and sleep (and for fun of course!!) and it has really helped with the sleep issues. i would stay up to 4 or 5am before, now i knock out at 11pm.
  10. Show your mom the union.. That's the best bet of winning her over to the green side.
  11. Tell her you want to watch a movie together and put on "The Union" and after tell her that you smoke weed occasionally. Worked like a charm for me.
  12. You could just throw out there in a joking matter. Then by her reaction you can tell how easy it will be. If shes like ya I need some then be like cool here it is :smoke:
  13. My mom has MS. Right now it's very, very mild (and God willing, it'll stay that way), but if she ever needs it, I wont hesitate to acquire some herb on her behalf. I told her about the man with MS in The Union and the effects it had on him and she was really interested in it. She's pretty open to MM in general and in her research she discovered that cannabis is one of the best ways to treat MS symptoms. Doesn't hurt that she was a huge hippie in the 60's, though she's long given up those ways.

    If you think it would really help your mom, you should tell her about it. It wouldn't hurt if you found some actual articles/studies related to MM and her condition.

    The longer marijuana is illegal, the more pissed I get. Doctors will prescribe us dangerous, addictive pain killers and sleeping pills, but we can't use a natural, completely safe and effective plant. AIDS, cancer, MS -- these are among the worst afflictions we face. People afflicted by these diseases swear that MM helps them, doctors and studies back up their claims, yet they're denied their choice of treatment because the government has decided that this plant should be illegal. It's just such fucking bullshit. /rant.
  14. My mother also has M.S., but very severely unfortunately. BUT BECAUSE OF THE BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA FROM THE DEA AND THE SHIT THEY FED KIDS IN HER GENERATION, SHE WON'T EVEN ENTERTAIN THE IDEA. Makes me so fucking mad.... No matter what I show her she says she "isn't comfortable with the idea" and this is a woman in intense pain who can barely walk.

  15. Really sorry to hear that, man...

    Have you talked with her about edibles at all? A lot of people aren't comfortable ingesting any smoke, but eating a cookie wouldn't be so bad.

    Have you shown her The Union, and specifically the man with very severe MS? It's amazing how much it helps him.. Ultimately, it's her choice and her burden to bear. Best wishes to you both.

  16. my grandmother is in a similar situation and mm has helped her greatly with her ms.
    with the compassion society she could even get a grow card and pass it on to me as her legal caregiver, to be able to grow my buds legally and help my grandmother would be a great way to go.
    i wish the government weren't so damned gay.
    sorry america lol.

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