I punched a car door pretty hard...

Discussion in 'General' started by HotepHippy, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Yea, stupid as fuck I know but I completely didn't even think before acting. Long story I won't get into but basically it's some gf drama lol

    My hand was super swollen the first day n a half. Day 1, I iced it couldn't sleep hardly at all that night, tried to keep it elevated n straight. I'll upload pics.

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413394965.203830.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413394992.461854.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413395010.534376.jpg

    Day 2, I wrapped it in a homemade brace I made out of thick paper towels and the brown soft wrap to keep my pinky straight. That was the only finger I didn't have full control over.

    Later into day 2 I noticed the bruising inside my palm and along the right side of my wrist as well as around my knuckles of the pinky ring and right side of the middle fingers.

    My main question is how I should properly apply the wrap. Should it squeeze my hand altogether or just on the injured side? The swelling has went down a lot so I think I should just focus on realignment
  2. go to the doctor
  3. #3 fancypantsdawg, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    Lol been there so many times....
    from my experience it's best to check out if you've anything broken or sprained or anything outta the norm besides obviously the swelling....cause i NEVER cared and always kinda let it "fix" itself n the swelling would go down n whatever but ive noticed that my hands still hurt sometimes if i hold shit a certain way. with lifting in particular, i can feel that something there in my wrists/fingers is "off" because i never took care of it.
    my advice would be to see someone for a minute
    edit- newbs covered it pretty well ^^^
  4. Don't worry!  I'm a professional!

    I'd get that looked at, chief. :cool:
  5. Go to the doctor.

    Don't get it fixed properly now you'll probably be feeling it worse later in life.

    You probably broke some shit.
  6. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413403772.208107.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413403787.796946.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413403806.425838.jpg

    Here's day 3 and with the wrap on but I didn't use paper towels this time. I currently don't have the wrap on either because I noticed my fingers swelling around the second knuckle. Not sure if it's due to circulation or trauma so I'm resting it flat on a table considering putting I've back on it,

    For those that insist I go to a doctor to get it looked at, my friend actually broke his pinky in a fight. Went to the doctor got x rayed the whole 9. They have him a small wrap/brace for his pinky and a squishy play doh type ball to squeeze.

    I personally believe that X-rays and a lot of modern medicine is unnecessary for survival and living in general.. So just humor me.

    What if you absolutely couldn't get it looked at n you fucked your hand up similar to mine in solitude. But you had access to supplies. What would you do?
  7. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413404632.752232.jpg
    Those are without the wrap

    Attached Files:

  8. Remember, you're not tough until you can punch a car door and provide proof.
  9. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413404730.192502.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1413404743.186098.jpg

    And this is the car door
  10. it looks like that hand is gonna have to come off. step right this way muahahahahahaha :metal:
  11. Lmao sheeeeeesh!
    Why do people trust doctors so much?
  12. Next time use your head....to punch the door that is.
  13. Lmao forreal I didn't even know he said it till I started noticing other people still commented
  14. I guess he knew I was going to call his bluff.
    You mean a headbutt?
  15. Naa jus figured you guys would wanna see the 'damage'
  16. #17 Cereal Killer, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2014
    Because they went through four years of rigorous training to learn medicine, after college, and before internship?
    Your hand obviously has some swelling and bruising, but I don't see any gross deformity, at least in the pictures available. You may just be bruised up. Do you feel any intense pain or crunching sensation when you move or palpate your hand and/or fingers? If so, I'd highly recommend getting it checked out at an urgent care or something similar. Malunion of a fractured bone can cause a lot of pain later in life, and in order to be fixed, must be broken again and reset.
    If you're wrapping your hand, it should be tight enough to compress, and to discourage movement (ACE wrap alone is not going to fully restrict movement), but not tight enough to impair circulation. So if your fingers start tingling, changing colors, or hurting significantly more, loosen it a bit. You can use something like a popsicle stick or even a pen to immobilize fingers, there are also immobilizers sold in stores.
  17. Asante got your comment! Finally someone taking me a lil seriously lol thanks for the advice.

    I don't feel any crunching at all. I can kinda move my pinky a lil bit too but it looks like a twitch

    My wrist is bruised in spots and the inside of my palm is too. So my palm would tremendously add to the discomfort in my hand and fingers with the wrap on.

    I like the idea with the pencil for immobilization. i was worried about that but the wrap would keep my pink in the same spot unless I tried to move it which would cause a sharp pain through my hand
    Asante got your comment! Finally someone taking me a lil seriously lol thanks for the advice.

    I don't feel any crunching at all. I can kinda move my pinky a lil bit too but it looks like a twitch

    My wrist is bruised in spots and the inside of my palm is too. So my palm would tremendously add to the discomfort in my hand and fingers with the wrap on.

    I like the idea with the pencil for immobilization. i was worried about that but the wrap would keep my pink in the same spot unless I tried to move it which would cause a sharp pain through my hand
  18. Should I use ice as well? I've been keeping heat on it to loosen up everything and what not
  19. Do you have any idea how much it will hurt to move your hand if you broke something and it doesn't heal right, or how fucked up it will heal if they have to re-break it. Stop being stupid you do not know everything, no one does, that is why people specialize in particular areas, like medicine, or biology, or physics. In short, just because you are light-skinned doesn't make you a dcotor, go to the fuckin doctor.

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