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i puked from smoking for the first time.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BassHeadDub, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. I greened out yesterday from weed for the first time.

    It was honestly the nastiest weed I've ever smoked. My friend had a G and burned me and a couple of other buddies.

    And it was weird like we were hitting bowls and each and every one of us were dying after the bowl and coughing like a bitch.

    After about thirty minutes from chilling, I start to feel a little sick and ended up puking a whole lot in my friend's back-yard. Needless to say it was a pretty awful sesh (for me at-least).

    And now today I ask my friend where he got that weed from and he was like "oh yeah i found it on the ground yesterday before i came over. that was some nasty shit"

    wtf lol! I'm starting to wonder if it was laced with sumthin but i dont think so
  2. Didn't he think it was a good idea to mention that BEFORE smoking you guys up... Wtf.
  3. no it was my first time puking from weed. I've been smoking for about a year now tho
  4. What the fuck o.o "he found it on the ground" I bet you guys smoked some dirt and grass packed together..
  5. i should say tho it did get me really high. higher then one bowl of weed usually gets me.
  6. Op did you pay the troll toll, to get into the boys hole?

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