I planted the seed like this? Does this look okay?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by Yaboislimeazy, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. Okay so I planted the seed like this. The tap root a decent amount do you think this looks okay?

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  2. seed should be completely buried at least 1/2in
  3. Y
    uea but will the seed still bloom? Or should I bury it agin? Every time I pour water it reveals the seed anyway so why not leave it right?
  4. #4 thisoneblazed, Sep 26, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2016
    If it reveals it every time you water its not deep enough. You do not want the roots to get light on them it will grow up and out of the dirt naturally on its own. If your pre growing the taproot then just make the hole 1inch deep, put the seed in, and water it (ONCE). Then leave it be until it comes out naturally. If the seed does not grow in a week its a likely a dud.

    Plus coming out of the dirt helps the outer part of the seed to break off. Once that happens it reveals your first set of leaves. If you peel the seed shell off on your own it could hurt the plant.

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