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I Only Get Body High?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Reptilia, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I know what indica and sativa are, and I've been smoking various different strains of weed. I've been smoking 2-3 times every day for the last few months and I noticed that lately, when I smoke my body will feel relaxed, it'll feel warm behind my eyes, eyelids get a bit heavy, I'll feel unstressed and music will sound better but my state of mind always seems to stay the same as when I'm sober nowadays.

    Basically, I don't ever get that weird altered state of mind type thing like I used to when I got really high. Although I am definitely high, I can function very normally and so it's not really as good. Is the only thing to help this a t-break?
  2. Probably. It seems like you just have a very high tolerance.

    Try not smoking for a week or two, or even a month, maybe try that stop-until-4/20 thing a few people have posted about. In the meantime do some cardio, drink tons of water. You should be sky-high when you smoke again.

    I just got done with a 3-month break and HOLY SHIT can I get high now
  3. Definitely take a break man. I took a three week break and it was the best decision I could have made. You will be higher than high.
  4. soon you might not get high at all
  5. I dont get it man, i love that young body high, nothing better than chillin smoke a bowl and feel so carefree and relaxed. I mean the head high isnt bad, but nothing beats a good body high.
  6. Its tolerance, cut back or take a real tolerance break if you wanna get higher.
    How is the quality of your bud? Maybe you need an upgrade
  7. THC is the psychoactive chemical in weed that gives you the head high. CBD is what gives you the body high. There is some research that suggests that tolerance to THC builds much faster than tolerance to CBD, which means that over time, you'd feel a much stronger body high than head high when smoking indica, and not much of anything more than some light-headedness when smoking sativa.

    So, like others have said, sounds like it's time for a tolerance break!
  8. [quote name='"spagettimnstr"']THC is the psychoactive chemical in weed that gives you the head high. CBD is what gives you the body high. There is some research that suggests that tolerance to THC builds much faster than tolerance to CBD, which means that over time, you'd feel a much stronger body high than head high when smoking indica, and not much of anything more than some light-headedness when smoking sativa.

    So, like others have said, sounds like it's time for a tolerance break![/quote]

    I don't think they're solely linked THC to head high and CBD to body, they could interact I thought? Could be wrong, the rest of the info is interesting to learn.

    My skill in cannabis knowledge is +1

  9. Interesting, never heard of CBD before. And yeah I've decided to take a two week long t-break and start getting some exercise in as well.
  10. CBD is cannabidiol. Indicas tend to have a higher percentage of CBD and a lower percentage of THC, leading to more of a body high/sedative effect. Vice versa for sativas.

    I don't know anything about interactions between CBD and THC since I thought their objective effects were different, but they blend together in different ratios to create a distinct subjective effect. In any case, if tolerance to THC does develop faster than tolerance to CBD, you should have a different and probably reduced high.

    I could be wrong, though.


    Cannabidiol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "A Cannabis indica plant may have a CBD/THC ratio 4:-5 times that of Cannabis sativa. Marijuana with relatively high ratios of CBD:THC is less likely to induce anxiety than vice versa. This might partial be due to CBD's antagonist effects at the cannabinoid receptor, compared to THC's partial agonist effect. The relatively large amount of CBD contained in Cannabis indica, means, compared to a sativa, the effects are modulated significantly. The effects of Sativa are well known for its cerebral high, hence used daytime as medical cannabis, while Indica are well known for its sedative effects and prefered night time as medical cannabis."

    Cannabis Research - Medical Uses - epilepsy/convulsions

    "The results from the delta-9-THC study indicate that, although tolerance developed in all three tests, there were no changes in the brain-drug concentration. For CBD the pharmacodynamics were strikingly different: an increase in sensitivity to the drug developed in two of the tests, tolerance in only one test."

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