I need your help

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Caboose, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Hi fitness guys and girls!
    i guess ill start with some stats

    Age: 18
    Height: 5' 6''
    Weight: 154 lbs.

    my question is more of a story
    basically i feel like im getting fatter and fatter
    and i want to stop blaming weed
    i dont get much exercise
    and i dont eat very well

    i guess my problem comes from my daily routine
    i find it hard to eat in the morning
    and being 18 i rush out the door to get to school
    where i dont eat cuz the food is crap
    so by 4 im starving and stressed
    at home i get high and munch out

    aside from riding my bike what other
    ways can i work out?
    id enjoy a sixpack:D
    or at least to feel good about myself
    i have a fatass

    thanks guys!
  2. buy those protein bars/breakfast bars
    surely when you rush out you can eat on the go
    and pack your own lunch.
    eat dinner (not a huge one) before you smoke too.
  3. If you find meal prep to be a big hassle I would suggest making a huge batch of something on the weekend, and then you can just pull it out of the fridge when your hungry. I usually cook up some chicken every Sunday and keep it in my fridge so I can just grab, heat and eat, works for chili, and pretty much anything else. As for breakfast, you can cook eggs in less then 5 mins, little whole grain toast, some milk and your good to go.

    In terms of exercise there's lots to do, I like to go climbing, bike, swim, go for a hike/walk, if you don't have access to a gym you can do BW exercises (pullups, etc), or sandbags.
  4. give up that 6 pack idea, if your overweight itll probably take 2 years of daily working out
  5. Smoke2joints is wrong. While you won't get a six pack in ten days, you can probably get close in ten weeks. Also, working out daily is a stupid way to get an injury. You should have AT LEAST one rest day a week.

    Combine bodyweight exercises (pushups, pullups, lunges, dips, etc.) with cardio. Do it consistently and be careful not to overtrain. Come up with a bodyweight routine that you can do 3 - 4 times a week and ride your bike or go running afterwards. The routine will burn your carbs, leaving nothing but fat for your cardio to burn.

    A great cardio routine is interval training, where you alternate working intensely with moderately. E.g. bike or sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then do it at a moderate pace for one minute. Repeat that for 20 - 30 minutes and you're golden.

    Try to eat clean, whole foods. Protein bars are okay in a pinch, but often are overloaded with sugar or empty carbs. For a quick breakfast, any Kashi brand cereal and some milk will work well.

    Don't worry about doing ab work until you burn some bodyfat. Getting a six pack is more about low body fat percentage than muscular abs.

    Also, don't just jump into some extreme routine. Find something you can stick with and build from there.

    Good luck! Feel free to PM me for nutritional advice or help developing/finding a workout routine, or just any fitness question.
  6. thanks great avdice:mad:

    thats a lot to work with but
    im going to get started!
  7. its simple, its the ratio of what you consume to what energy (in the form of calories) do you burn/expend on a daily basis. put simply if you are eating more calories from food then burning them by running, or lifitng weights then you will be fat. just run and shit.

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