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I need to quit weed, but I dont want to....

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cougarelli, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. #1 Cougarelli, Jun 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
    I fell in love with weed the first time I felt the effects of it at 16. It was pure bliss and made doing anything a magical experience. By 19 I was a chronic smoker. By 20 I had moved to a rural area to work and had no connections at for 9 months I had quit completely.
    When I had the opportunity to smoke again, the high was completely different.
    Up until then, weed was bliss. I could function properly in social and work situations and it was always an uplifting time. Once I smoked after a 9 month break, the experience was sketchy. I became socially anxious, insecure and paranoid.
    Even so, I kept smoking it...hoping at some point the bliss would return. It never did...yet I kept smoking.
    20 years later ( present day) I'm experiencing a whole other issue with smoking weed. Now some strains cause me to think my throat is closing. I know it's not truly closing and it's just an anxious response..but it's still scary. Youd think that would be enough to quit.. but I'm having a hard time. Smoking a little in the evening has been a ritual for so long that I dont want to give it up. Its insanity.
  2. It sounds like smoking marijuana just isn't for you dude.. have you tried edibles at all?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Hell no, can't do those..its a frightening experience. Obviously it's not for me anymore...yet it's like I'm chasing the bliss from my teen years..and I'm psychologically addicted to it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Smoking is frightening, edibles is frightening. I don't about the rest of the world but personally, unless it's a scary movie I don't do frightening things over and over.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Edibles are frightening and the occasional strain is frightening...youd think that would be enough to quit..but it isnt. Welcome to my nightmare
  6. it's all in your head. Don't let it own you and it won't. One of the main things to do if you struggle is to stay away from anything that has to do with weed. Unfortunerly that includes forums where weed is held at the highest regards. Reading about others having fun with it and leading normal fear free lives will not ever help you quit
    I've been smoking heavily for 40 years I've been growing for 30. I'm more of a grower these days. I can quit at will and have on several occasions, even with a non stop supply on hand.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Weed use to make me anxious at the beginning. Funny thing is goes the exact opposite now weed helps my anxiety. People change over years and so do emotions
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. I don't understand how marijuana can scare people so much :confused_2: even when I've been stupid high I know it's just weed & it can't kill me :laughing:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  9. Unfortunately quiting isnt as easy for me. I'm psychologically addicted
  10. Unfortunately quiting isnt as easy for me. I'm psychologically addicted
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Imagine the feeling your throat is closing..
  12. This is how you sound saying that dude lol

    Why do you use marijuana is it for fun or do you need it because you're in pain ect??

    I use daily for pain relief I wouldn't say I'm addicted.. I'd just be in alot of pain if I wasn't stoned lol
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Funny enough, I use it to relax
    • Informative Informative x 1
  14. I've had my throat close from an allergic reaction before to some medication.. not to the point where it would stop me breathing but it wasn't nice lol

    Are you sure it's not just all in your head that you think it's closing when you're actually fine.. anxiety can make u think crazy shit
  15. I get it, but if I didn't have some sort of dependency, it would be easy to just quit...but it isnt
  16. Doesn't sound like it relaxs you anymore, just go cold turkey it isn't that hard.. you'll just find it more difficult to sleep & probably won't have much of an appetite
    • Like Like x 2
  17. I'm sure it is all I'm my head...but it's still very nerve wracking. I literally smack myself in the face to snap out of it. Its doesnt happen with everytime I smoke...just certain strains ( i think I've narrowed it down to some sativas)
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  18. Are you smoking fat bowls or is it any amount that makes you feel this way?

    If it's fat bowls try micro dosing aka smoking 0.1/0.2gs then wait to see how you feel before having more
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. You keep saying "it isnt hard". That is your experience..not mine. I've attempted to quit at least 5 times this year.
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  20. Nah, I usually pack a bowl and have 4 or 5 tokes.. im not a heavy smoker anymore. The throat closing usually happens if I smoke half a joint
    • Informative Informative x 1

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