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I need help on how to make cannabis lollipops using alcohol tincture

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by JMalone67, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Hi Everyone, I`m new to the edible stuff and I made lollipops using cold extraction tincture. The bud blend was Trainwreck and Midnight oil. I doubled the amount of tincture the recipe asked for so the pops would be good and strong. I tried one and 2 hrs later..nothing. WHat did I do wrong?

  2. Chefs have told me that the hardest thing they learned how to cook in culinary school, was hardball candy. It's all about timing and tempeture, or else the candy will burn. I wish you luck! You will need a candy thermometer.
  3. I don't know about using a tincture but I just made a batch for the first time I just added some bho straight into the candy when it was hot it worked like a charm
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  4. Storm crow liked my post!!!
    *drops to knees and begins crying*
    I am finally a part of the GC community! Thank you storm crow!  :)
  5. What am I? Chopped liver?
  6. Yes. But I love you anyway.

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