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I need everyones opinion here....

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by MochaCub, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. I'm debating on wether or not to get dark souls or skyrim tomorrow. Help me decide by telling good and bad things about each game
  2. There are no bad things about skyrim. Please don't choose any game over skyrim. You'll regret it for the rest of your life
  3. Skyrim is one of the best games i've ever played so far. I was really disappointed with gaming in general for the last year or so, but Skyrim is fucking great :smoke:
  4. Amped i feel the same way i was bored with gaming and then skyrim came out
  5. You'll be disappointed with Dark Souls. As difficult and sometimes frustrating as Skyrim is at least its enjoyable compared to Dark Souls. My friend bought DarkSouls and gave it a decent amount of play time. He's currently trying to unload it on Craigslist.

    I'm at level 25 right now in Skyrim, hardly even touched the main storyline. Spent about 2hrs tonight just wandering around collecting herbs/ores/items to work on some of my skill levels. If I wasn't so tired I'd still be playing now :D
  6. geeez thats a no brainer

  7. I'm pretty much just echoing everyone else at this point but....

    Why are you even asking this question?


    It's a no-brainer.
  8. fuck damnit i need skyrim
  9. If you want a challenge, dark souls. It will kick your ass and you will like it! You will swear you hate it and never are gonna play it again, then the next day their you are in front of the tv trying to kill that boss for the 20th time.
    If you want a game where you can just chill with and run around and do what you want, skyrim.
    Both games are fantastic it's just a matter of preference.
  10. Dark Souls

    I haven't played either.. But there are so many good games out, I'm choosing to enjoy some of them rather than let Skyrim take all of my playing time (which it will). So in some time once DLC has come out and there aren't handfuls of great games coming out, they'll release a new edition with all DLC included and I'll pick it up for like $30-40 like I did with Oblivion..
  11. #13 blazeone, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    [quote name='"Ean"']You'll be disappointed with Dark Souls. As difficult and sometimes frustrating as Skyrim is at least its enjoyable compared to Dark Souls. My friend bought DarkSouls and gave it a decent amount of play time. He's currently trying to unload it on Craigslist.

    I'm at level 25 right now in Skyrim, hardly even touched the main storyline. Spent about 2hrs tonight just wandering around collecting herbs/ores/items to work on some of my skill levels. If I wasn't so tired I'd still be playing now :D[/quote]

    Dark souls really isn't very difficult honestly. You just have to plan your attacks and people hate not being able to just run in and button mash.

    I would say pickup skyrim though, both are great but skyrim will last longer. I own both btw.

    Best thing about dark souls is it doesn't hold your hand and has that old school feel when bosses could actually provide a little challenge
  12. Get Skyrim, way more hours to be put in, gameplay-wise. It'll keep you entertained forever.
  13. I'd say Skyrim, though if I was you i'd get it for the PC as I like modding it to improve the graphics.

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